Let Anduin be homosexual

Why do you think most of us are in here? Oh I burned myself.


I don’t unless I’m entering a space those ideologues control or take over.

Besides, I wouldn’t mind if Anduin was gay. Problem is it goes against established lore AND it’s not being done for the fans who just want to see a gay character, but those fans who are whining ideologues like Baalsamael and (aptly named) Necroxis virtue-signaling and trying to use the media to police society by proxy and/or calling for the heads of anyone who disagrees with them on these matters.


It’s a Cata thing, isn’t it? I guess many things changed behind the scene we’re still not aware of. In Classic there is a quest with one of items being “deciphered” as

Thrall and Jaina sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.


I guess that was not considered weird enough to goof around the topic originally.

Maybe it’s just a continuation of Danuser’s about lore speculations? That people here can find a modicum of meaning not matter what would be given to us?

After playing through the Bastion campaign, I am not sure the devs do get what they do. He’s an oddly written character. But that’s more about most stories being rather… questionable in quality.

iirc remodeling of the original races limited skil colour options for humans. You can see in Classic quite a few tones, not sure they were available for the new models before Shadowlands.

gl hf

During the Thrall panel they actually bring up how internally Jaina/Thrall was “touch and go” until they decided on Aggra being the wife during Cata

No it’s def punishment

How so? He just seemed like an introvert to me. Ergo Kleia being an extrovert.

idk, I had a feeling that the entire chapters I am with him, the story focused on the character being doubtful / weak, focusing on that over and over again.

Going through Revendreth, collecting a camouflage, so that he would put of a hood and otherwise just stay visibly as kyrian. Him talking about how he’ll go back to the Arbiter to be sent elsewhere (things remembered WQ).

Maybe I am reading too much into it, but I felt like the game, to re-use Moonberry’s quote, tell me all the time about Pelagos “you’re a special one, aren’t you?”. And it felt… like isn’t the purpose (be blessed) to just let people be whatever makes them happy, and not poke at the same thing again and again, and draw attention to someone being “special”.

Idk. When I played Transistor having gay character (no the same thing, I get it) is not something that was treated as “oh, everyone! Look, here is a special character here!” but it was just a person living his life and everything around not being awkward about it. People just live the way that makes them happy, and not “let’s place how special the character is in front of every other character trait”.

Here if felt the opposite, like the game tried to place this character detail above who he is, what are his dreams, telling story of how we together face struggles and how he finds peace and moves on as ascended eventually (or keeps / takes memories back if it’s allowed now post 9.1).

But maybe it’s just me being off in understanding the topic.

gl hf


I think the problem with relying on previous lore about a topic like this is that you have to consider how much Blizzard was willing to write on the subject back then. I don’t believe it’s fair to go solely in-universe with stuff like “Anduin would have shown attraction to other men by now if he was gay/bi” because I believe NOBODY was going to overtly show stuff like that back then. The best you were going to get were the quietest wink-nudges with irrelevant characters, like the Cataclysm jewelcrafting daily questgiver who occasionally wants to send jewelry to her “friend” in another city.

Chromie’s not even in a relationship and Blizzard was still sticking to “dragon naming quirks” back then; I really don’t think they’d have the stones to invert the 1000-year-old-dragon trope with Wrathion, especially since Jaina/Kalecgos’s interspecies relationship was rather soundly mocked despite that being much more in the game’s comfort zone.

Besides, should Blizzard introduce more characters like this, I think they’d be keenly aware of potential criticisms about tokenization and be more likely to go out of their way to ensure these characters don’t come off as one-note.

Agreed. Pelagos feels more like he lacks a personality. and more like just a token character.

I feel that star wars handled black people well in terms of “well they are characters with solid personality and they are not defined by the color of their skin but by their character as a whole”

The game is just trying to tell you about how “pelagos is transgender” so much that blizzard made a blue post about it.

And tbh Blizzard RARELY communicates with players (they communicate in waves with radio silence in between and usually there is just less and less communication from their ivory towers)


*someone provides negative feedback against my bad take*

“Halp halp, I’ve been canceled! Call the police! Call the Fire Department! Call Fox news!”

“Cultural Marxism”, or in their case, “Cultural Bolshevism” is literally one of the excuses the friggin NSDAP used for imprisoning and murdering leftists and minorities, really sad to see it building up steam among the right.


if they did this, it would be blatant pandering.

We must have a couple gay people on these forums so maybe they can answer this one… which is better?

A new character that was gay like Flynn or relatively small like Shaw and grow them as a character with their sexuality known as this is done.


Take an old major character that everyone has had time to identify with or dislike (like Andiun) and reveal them as gay?

Seems like the second one is going to cause some controversy whether we like it or not and I don’t know how I feel about Andiun in particular being revealed as gay. He is really hated by a big portion of the community. He seems to be crying or complaining in every cinematic he is in, values the Horde over the Alliance and etc… with so much negativity surrounding Andiun I don’t think he is the right person to be the symbol for that.

Why not Shandris or maybe Arator? If there is going to be Shadow vs Light expansion he might become much more important.

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Especially in the case of Anduin, since in any example of him showing any attraction to someone it has always been of the opposite sex, and even of different races in some of those examples.

Flynn isn’t even gay. But it depends.

Treating a “gay” reveal as something special is the wrong way to look at it. A queer character doesn’t need any more buildup for their identity than a straight character. When Mayla was paired with Baine nobody cried how there wasn’t any buildup to his supposed straightness. Expecting a gay character to have flashing signs all over his story that warn you of “gayness ahead!” is silly at best and homophobic at worst.

Many people also seem to think that if a character has previously been shown to have interest in the opposite gender, it’s impossible for them to ever show interest in the same gender. Being married, having kids and even being in a het relationship do not guarantee straightness. Bisexuality exists.


blue post was deleted

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Well this doesn’t really answer my question but are you really complaining how the world should react rather than how it will react to something?

I mean in a perfect world if I leave my car’s door open in a bad neighborhood or a very busy location bad things will happen to it. It shouldn’t but it will and that is the world we live in.

Yes it is time the LGBTQ+ community gets a major character.

Why does it need to be an existing character, specifically one that many people hate?

They should make a new character that stands on its own two legs and is a good character, who also happens to be LGBTQ+.

There are already 2 of these in the Ardenwealde storyline, though they are not as major as a character such as Anduin. It’s a start, but there should be more…developed naturally, and not hamfisted as a retcon in spots where truthfully, it doesn’t make any sense (Anduin has previously admitted in other content to being attracted to Draenei and Dwarven women).

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If I recall correctly, isn’t the only reason why that warranted a blue post at all was because they realized that dataminers were going to find the changed pronouns without the appropriate context and it would look like Blizzard was undoing the effort?

No, originally Blizzard gave him they/them pronouns but they changed it to he/him because he’s a trans man as makes sense and Lydia Bottegoni doesn’t know what she’s doing

Considering blizzard have senior artists making story decisions Idk if that person is to blame.

She’s the top of the narrative-direction foodchain, Danuser’s boss

Yes but so what? when you have senior artists that create characters how is the boss of the boss of the boss of the boss to blame for that?

It’s like blaming bobby kotick because a sub fee was raised.