Let Anduin be homosexual


I guess that makes me Helya? (Has an actual point, but demonized anyway by the larger narrative)

Hmm… started off with a legitimate grievance, but then became far worse than those who wronged them and a lot of other people got caught in crossfire. I do see some parallels.

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It’s a video game.

There is no opportunity. There is no merit. There is only what the story team writes.

It’s even more incoherent because in-game there is no Civil Rights Movement, no Stonewall, nothing. In-game Human diversity is because different Stormforged have different metals.

And yes, escalating nuance is expected because the community lost their minds at Flynn/Shaw and Pelagos. Two very basic, simple, easy, palatable queer characters.


This is what I was thinking.

It looks like it started up, people went through the discussion, it was necroed, and was promptly booted here on being necroed… since I guess the mods missed the 1k+ post thread the first time.


You couldn’t quote-mine anything from my previous reply to fuel your libel, so this is the route you went lol

I have no problem with Flynn/Shaw or Pelagos, nor that lesbian elf couple in Legion or the protag of the “Steamy Romance Novels” being bi to name a few.

If Anduin had been gay that’s not a problem for me. Since he’s royalty and there’s been no sign of any opposition to homosexuality in-universe, there’s no reason for him to have been in the closet. We also see Anduin express attraction to women ADDENDUM: specifically Taelia and some Draenei women. Plus his moments with Wrathion are friendship with some issues given their different approaches to problems.

None of Anduin moments in the novels - including the POV chapters - indicate he has any attraction to males. So him being gay doesn’t make sense from a story perspective. Either they should make a new character gay or a character whose sexuality hasn’t been fleshed out yet be gay (like Warhammer 40k made Commissar Yarrick gay or bi). I complained about doing it to appease ideologues amongst the non-ideologues who want to see this.

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Anduin’s moment with Taelia?

You mean the twice they’ve spoken, ever? lol

Or was it only once and then she spoke ABOUT him a second time being upset he lied to her about her father?

What a moment. Pure chemistry in action right there baby.

I love how Anduin and Taelia meeting in an official capacity is enough for the bigots to say he has chemistry with her but just pretend that the clear moments where the friendship/romantic lines between Anduin and Wrathion were blurring during War Crimes just don’t count. Because.

Again just be honest that you don’t like gay people. At least you’d have that, then.


He’s 18 lol

A lot of people come out in college lol

It’s not like we have any idea how much it how littles he’s been able to interact with people his own age

Just make him bi easy

And it’s not libel, you literally said the people asking for more diversity in-game are “subversives”.

These are the words you chose

Anduin’s been around men and women, and with the raging hormones of puberty, that’s exactly when any feelings of attraction to men would’ve made themselves known even if Anduin went into denial about it… which we’ve seen none of at the point I wrote this comment (yes, it could change in the future, given Blizzard’s love of retcons).

When I said “subversives” I said, quote “Using a screenshot to quote-mine me won’t work since anyone can just read the rest of my comment and see why I have a problem not with those things in and of themselves, as my problem is with virtue-signaling and trying to appease subversives and malcontent ideologues.” I never applied it to everyone who wanted that.

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It’s funny that rather than just saying you misspoke, you’re doubling down on “Subversives and malcontent ideologies” and pretending it isn’t exactly what it seems like.

Even with the context you keep trying to pretend changes the meaning.


I’m just refuting your’s and Baalsamael’s attempts to twist my word choice to mean something it actually doesn’t. Given the way you two have harassed and tried to defame me on this thread, I don’t think you would’ve accepted if I’d said I misspoke.

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What was the point of transferring this thread from GD to the Story Forums after 3 months?

Are all the s-post mildly story related threads going to get transferred here from GD? Because this forum is already pretty terrible and transferring GD trash here is only going to make it worse.

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That is indeed, the crux of the issue. They do not act in good faith, they act in accordance to their ideology. Judging by how defensive you’ve been, and how you are always forced on the backfoot in this ‘debate’, I’m guessing you haven’t argued with many Leftists, huh?

You noticed how quickly they reacted to you thinking it doesn’t suit Anduin to be homosexual with, “You just hate gay people!”.


What would you recommend for arguing with leftists? I explained myself so they can’t misrepresent me, and so everyone can see their true colors in their mean-spirited and irrational attacks (I’m curious about what Baalsamael will do with that screenshot).

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Baal blocked me after one short exchange on the Story Forum after he read my post history. He also writes Twitter rants, if that means anything to you. So as to what he might do with that screenshot, he’ll do nothing impactful. Oh, he’ll demean your character and try and disqualify anything you say in the future by bashing you over the head with that post, but realistically nothing will come of it.

As for arguing with Leftists? Don’t. If it is a topic that hasn’t yet be infested with a political ideology yet, and they aren’t being too nutterbutters about it, sure have at it. But if it has to do with race, gender, sexuality, class, wealth, or equality then state your case and move on. Engaging with them beyond that is like engaging with internet trolls, it wastes your time, harms your morale, and pleases them to no end. You can’t convince them to see reason, and you can’t normally change their mind.

That’s my advice from long years of having raged against them in many formats. Good luck!

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There was one in the last 24 hours “Will Sylvanas Die?”

Now my biases notwithstanding there was no discussion, no lore, no interesting points to make, nothing to create meaningful dialogue between disagreeing parties. Just “OP names a Warcraft character” better transfer it to the story forums.

New mod I guess? I mean are they just going to transfer every thread that mentions a Warcraft IP character from GD to the story forums? Because that’s going to be a daily deluge.

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Thanks. Will do!

I stay off Twitter these days.

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Is Natalie Celine a black female human? In the past - a white female human? Earlier still, white (pale?) Female Forsaken? Priestess of Light, Shadow, Abyss (?), Founder of the Forgotten Shadow cult, the religion of the Forsaken, right?

Ideal version of Natalie Celine, according to Baalsamael’s - black female Forsaken?

Are the left the ones who sing about diverse equality? Are the right singing about keeping the current order or returning to the previous order? Or vice versa?
“Equality” is reproached for the fact that they are fighting only on their own land. Is “conservation” accused of tough stratification?

Does the black skin of the night elves count as promoting “equality” or does this only apply to races whose skin tones are “wrestling” (realistic?)?

What Anduin needs is a orc woman so he can truly become a man.

He’ll likely be pegged at first, but he will eventually learn to be more assertive.

I posted something similar before (I think the thread got nuked) but anyways I used to watch a show called Spartacus Blood and Sand (Rip main actor who passed after an awesome season 1).

Anyways the main writer/producer (who was great) wrote in several interesting characters who happened to be gay or bi. At I think game con back then they told him he had received alot of support from the LGB community and his response was something along the lines of “I don’t want people to see a relationship as a “straight” relationship or a “gay” relationship, I just want them to see a relationship.” That right there is the mentality needed to write interesting characters who happen to be gay as opposed to cheesing in a “lolz jk guys auduin likes dudes” on existing characters.

Ya ofcourse you will get haters even with a very well developed character who happens to be gay but by large it’s usually much more well received than slapping a label on an existing character especially with no prior support of that preference. It also does not help blizz is bad at creating well developed characters who happen to be gay vs creating a gay character.


Cultural Marxism is the malignant festering sore that crushes creativity, ruins innovation, and leads to threads like this. I’d not worry too much about it.