Let Anduin be homosexual

Wait did they update Natalie Seline even more after all the new customizations options to make her Black? Neato.

I don’t remember her being so from Legion but that’s nifty.

Right on schedule, here comes the libel and false accusations because I dared criticize SJWs. You can flag this to the moderators if you want. Most likely they’ll just do what happened when I corrected Baalsamael’s inaccurate statements about the history and situation of LBGT rights; they’ll delete both comments from both of us on the subject, lock the thread and go “none of this ever happened.”

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Yessir, for 9.0

It slapped, she looks great. An actual (in theory) Forsaken Anti Hero Lore Relevant Black Woman

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Yet again the tactic of a reactionary bigot trying to pretend their bigotry is anything other than basic hatred.

Imagine using “SJWs” unironically in 2021. My god.


Of all the things that didn’t happen, this definitely did not happen the most.


I am inclined to agree with the point he’s making. If a character is solely defined by being “the lesbian,” “the trans character,” “the nonbinary character” then what’s the point of them?

No and no. You’re missing the point if you think that’s what it is. I have no problem with any of those characters, I may not remember who Natalie is but I rather liked Flynn.

To keep with the topic of this post: imagine they introduced a gay character to be Anduin’s Aggra, it would be a load of crap wouldn’t it? He’d marry Anduin and disappear from the story and be a tokenistic gesture of LGBT inclusivity.


There is a gay couple in Shadowlands. There is a transman in Shadowlands.

They are not known as the Gay Dudes or the Trans Dude.

As usual y’all are arguing a strawman against nonexistent characters.

Anywho I only came in here to say having gay Anduin would be neat but didn’t expect (And should have) some 2011 tryhard dudes whining about sjws and pretending their basic homophobia is actually some complicated nuanced issue.

And not just what it obviously is:

“Gay people/trans people/ect make me feel weird. I don’t like them.”


Sure but there’s neither reason to assume they’d do that nor would it be specific to Anduin, Blizzard sucks at writing married couples for whatever reason.

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Yeah that’s fair. I am. I just fear the worst scenario in cases like that where the response to the demand for more inclusiveness is shallow corporate pandering like that Aggra example above.

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I got a one day ban for name-calling all those months ago. My “Deus Vult schtick” had a few people who were triggered because I “dared” say Yrel’s group might have a point and they’re victims too, so those people tried unsuccessfully to cancel me. That’s what actually happened. Why are you so polite to Galenar but so vindictive towards me?

Aggra is less shallow corporate pandering (she is not the first Strong Woman trope nor the first Married Couple element in the game) and more they wanted to make Thrall married to kill Jaina/Thrall shipping cuz it caused weird discourse

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But that is exactly what you are dealing with when you talk to Baalsamael. Silly commies and their corruption, amirite?

Repeating libel doesn’t make it true. You are wrong about me, I’d give you proof, but you’d just write it off as excuses.

Well that just sounds like putting words in my mouth. If that’s what I thought that’s what I’d say. Pelagos doesn’t bother me, Flynn doesn’t bother me, Shaw doesn’t bother me. But I guess I’m just a raging conservative uncomfortable with anything outside of white heteronormativity.


Cuz you admittedly use our IRL religion to justify in-game narrative prejudices and are now proceeding to disparage the idea of more gay characters or Black Human characters being introduced and made relevant so I already know how you feel about all the various US Catholic melodrama.

I wouldn’t mind Anduin being gay if we didn’t have canon examples of him showing attraction to women. Anduin being bi is doable; bisexuals aren’t common but and I don’t think Flynn and Shaw are WoW’s only bi people.

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I have no problems with any denomination of Christianity, including Catholics. You’re putting words in my mouth and typing libel about me by claiming I disparaged gay characters or black human characters being added to the game (it shouldn’t matter, but since you look at things through an identity politics lens, I’m half-black myself, my father was from a country of West Africa).

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You literally used the phrase

When referring to

You demonstrated specific contempt at the apex of your list for the prospect of a woman of color being added

You literally listed the idea of a woman of color as the worst possible end lol

The irony of course being, there is already an un-developed black woman human (/Forsaken?) character in the game.


We really are the general forums trash bin. They just toss anything they don’t want in here.


You wrongly assume I suggested there’s anything wrong with those characters, when that’s not the case. I was saying that once this type of ideologues get something they want, they move the goalposts to keep fighting, prioritizing feeling good (“fighting” against oppression and for “equal outcomes”) over actually accomplishing good (equal opportunity based on merit). I never said everyone who wanted this falls into that category, if I thought they did, I’d say so. Try quote-mining this comment lol

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