Let Anduin be homosexual

So then don’t focus on it? That’s a you problem lol

Right! I’d have to pretend these forum threads don’t resurface daily since forever though.

Though I could care less if Anduin is bi or not I think he has more pressing issues to deal with in the shadowlands rn personally.

Anduin is biologically pixelated :pleading_face::nerd_face:


They could just start writing it then come to the conclusion that Anduin is gay in a later patch, nobody is asking blizzard to just say out of the blue that Anduin is gay and that’s it.

Or once again, they could go by his highlighted attraction to those who are not human. You avoided that whole thing again.

I sense a pattern, it’s convenient to ignore the lore to suit what you want to see. There is no need to change the character, and really, like I’ve said before why not advocate for a new leader to be gay? Why the need to try to force an unneeded change to suit a fan fiction narrative?

You tend to avoid those facts, you also avoid the author outright saying this is not the case, it comes down to telling an author that you think your viewpoint is superior, on their art. It’s disingenuous.


How do you define/see someone having a gay vibe? Do you feel Shaw has a gay vibe before it was announced that he is?

I just wanna kill Anduin then you can’t beg for things like this.

Because these types don’t give a damn at all, and it’s always gimme gimme gimme. That’s one of the reasons i’ve just stopped caring about anything pertaining to this type of thing. You give them an inch and they want to take a WHOLE bass mile x10 miles. Gonna be straight here, I don’t really even play Alliance, but if Blizz were to cave to this i’d stop playing this game…it’s bad enough they retcon lore it’s worse when it’s for frugal reasons.


they won’t stop

He already is

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Definitely make Anduin homosexual , and make Jaina a daily transgemder , after all it’s tough nowadays to identify boy or girl .

And we need a yearly gay pride parade in org and stormwknd , where all the lbgts come out , talking. All the npc lbgts, and parade through the streets . This is a must do .

idk yearly is kinda long, should be monthly.

No, no thank you.


Let Anduin be straight.

Then let him fall in love with a trans woman, who rejects him cos she can do better.

if Anduin gose gay because small percent demands it, then more people will leave.

Lol nobody would leave just because Anduin is gay.

you never know he might die anyway yet. i always thought maybe genn was anduin don’t even act gay in any way. but genn sure does.