Let Anduin be homosexual

I don’t think they’ve said whether or not he’s actually been in any relationships, but yeah, the past two books have definitely gone out of their way to make it known that he has an eye for the ladies.

Could he also be into dudes? Yeah, sure. It’d just be a little weird that they left that out after deliberately calling our attention to the fact that he likes women across at least two different books.

I think at this point, a lot of people would just see it as corporate pandering if they suddenly came out and said that he’s bi (or retconned him as gay).

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As bad as saying dumbledore was, after the series had ended.

I don’t agree with this topic.

Doubling down doesn’t mean you understood it any better. :slight_smile:

Insisting i “just dont get it” does not make you any more right, it simply makes you unable to comprehend WHY youre wrong.

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Fancy seeing you here again. Care to answer the burning questions you avoided last night? Or you just going to carry on trolling the community?


The shippers are nothing but a bunch of bored individuals with nothing better to do than fantasize about nonsensical sexuality changes for characters, not because it makes sense in the lore, but because of their own selfish and obsessive desires.


No, he’s single from the moment he was born until now.

The LGBT community is already represented in game, such as Qadarin and Theirmax in the middle of Heart of the Forest in Ardenweald as a married couple.

It’s already canon that my dudes got the feels for the draenei women.

This came off as so heavy handed and forced.
I Loved the entire Ardenweald questline, Qadarin and Theirmax included.
But it didn’t feel like representation, it felt like a multi-billion dollar company putting a giant glowing red arrow over a character saying “WE CARE”

Leave relationships personal, and slightly ambiguous, Like with Mathias Shaw or Maiev Shadowsong.
Both characters are loosely depicted as homosexual and it’s done very well.

That’s true, Anduin did a lot of his studying on the Exodar, and was depicted as being occasionally “distracted” from his work.

He was also shown to be very close friends with LiLi Stormstout, and they’re about the same age, but they also knew eachother as kids, so maybe that’s a no-go for him.

Why does every one of you are so persistent with your headcanon but the moment someone suggested Anduin is gay you went full pitchfork with it?

Settle down. What about my post is pitch-forky?

All I said was that I thought Qadarin and Theirmax felt like Blizzard giving the bare minimum amount of effort, and that Anduin has felt physically attracted to women at one point in the past.

I’m not protesting against LGBT representation, I just despise when it’s clearly done as a marketing ploy to appease people who only care about the bare minimum representation.

For Example, if Anduin’s sexuality genuinely developed through his experience with other characters, and he developed the foundation of a relationship with someone male, and we can actually see this change reflected in his character. That would be fine by me.

what isn’t fine is Blizzard circling him with a Highlighter and saying “He likes the same gender, because he is a Homosexual” With no purpose for that to serve in the story, and literally no prior development, or subsequent mention ever again.

That’s not “Representation”, that’s a company showing just how little they care.

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Why do you need purpose if someone is gay but not when they’re straight?

If Blizzard decided, on a dime, that any given character has been in a significant relationship that defines their story and character.

But they never build on that beforehand, never make it significant in the moment, and never mention it ever again.

Then it’s just bad writing.
Sexuality literally doesn’t matter there at all.

Just slapping a label on someone and giving it no significance to the grander plot is bad writing regardless of what that label may be.

If Blizzard were to do that with one of their characters, let’s go with Anduin for simplicity’s sake, I would be genuinely dissapointed. Because it would mean they don’t care about writing a deeper narrative, they just care about labeling characters to seem progressive.

Here’s a great examples of LGBT Sexuality in WoW

Maiev Shadowsong, is a cold hearted woman that seems to show no emotion other than rage and hatred. She talks to everyone on Azeroth as if they are beneath her. But that wasn’t always the case. Maiev Shadowsong had a close friend once in a girl named Naisha, as far as I can tell, Maiev treated Naisha with genuine care and love, even if it wasn’t deliberately outspoken between them.
When Naisha died, that lead to a Change in Maiev’s character to the Woman she is today. Cold, Unfeeling, and full of rage.

That is a wonderful example of having a character’s sexuality help define who they are as a person. In this Example, Maiev’s sexuality is an important factor in her personal story that leads to later events in World of Warcraft.

It isn’t “Pandering” and they didn’t just “label” her. Instead her sexuality is just a small piece of a bigger, important character arch.

Please give me an example of Blizzard simply labeling a major lore character as straight and having it never ever come up again, or being of no importance.


If you think Maiev is gay then good for you, but i don’t see it, see how that works? i see Anduin is gay while you see Maiev is gay, if you scroll up through these threads, many people also see Anduin as gay, so yeah they’ve been setting him up with Wrathion since MOP and some people do see it.

I don’t see Aundin as gay, just wimpy and weak unless these are the characteristics that give you the impression he is.

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With this, you have lost the entirety of my attention

You “don’t see” facts that are in documented lore, and would rather focus on speculation.

When I see a relationship in a Story, I imagine that relationship to have some significance to the overall plot of that story.

Or else, it serves no purpose and is bad writing.
It’s Chekov’s gun, at its finest.

I don’t care about sexuality at all, I just don’t think arbitrarily labeling characters provides anything to the Warcraft Universe. All it does is show me that a Multi-billion dollar organization is willing to pander to me.

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In any dialogue/cut-scene/story transition, never once got a vibe that I was dealing with this mythical portrayal that is being put forth by a handful of people in this thread, exclusively, that Anduin’s character is written as gay.

Is he less assertive/aggressive than his pops? Definitely. And that right there is about the only straw I see these couple of posters reluctantly pointing towards without actually saying it.

Frankly, this shipping push is strange and doesn’t follow normal cognition. To me, it’s reminiscent of being asked by a gay friend if a buddy of mine they saw me hanging with is gay, telling them no, gay friend continues to let their infatuation override their reasonable senses, etc. and has it made up in their head that my straight friend MUST be secretly gay based on some whimsical interaction they had or even nothing at all, insists that they are and continues to pursue an interest in them only to the inevitable and obvious disappointment and now awkward interaction.

So when I see character shipping mentioned its exactly like that but with an abnormal investment into fictional characters, with the overlap that there’s nothing of note or anything established that should have led them to such a conclusion. The shipper refuses to believe there is nothing there, and the sexual component is magnified and always at the forefront of everything. In other words, out of touch with reality.


He can be gay in your mind, but let’s just keep it there. The less I’m focused on his preference in genitalia while playing a video game the better.