Let Anduin be homosexual

I like how you made up a scenario that didn’t happen and then got angry over the scenario you made up.

Its hypothetical man come on.

A weirdly telling hypothetical.

Anduin punched him because Wrathion can take it, he’s a dragon, a human punch won’t do any harm to him.

you cant force him to be gay because you want him to be gay. that’s not how this works. what about his right to consent?

Anduin rightfully punched him because he’s pissed at wraths betrayel and it was with a metal gauntlet.

Wrath definitely felt it. If it didn’t effect him at all he wouldn’t have reacted, stumbled and held his jaw after. Well in their humanoid forms dragons are not as durable.

You know dam well the feminists would have gone bonkers if anduin struck a women. We live in an age of over the top bonkerness.

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Again, it’s weird you’re also making up a scenario and then blaming a group of people for getting mad at that scenario you made up to dismiss the whole thing.

No, as a gay man myself, I don’t see the need to push insane leftist woke crap into the game, if you don’t like the game, go play tetris.


Who is making up a scenario here. I am following the books, you made a claim that if Wrathion was a woman this wouldn’t be an issue, yet fail to acknowledge that for that scenario to happen a woman would have been punched.

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“I think Wrathion and Anduin would be more widely accepted if it was a straight couple.”

“OH so Anduin punches women now???”

Y’all can’t admit that by all accounts the shippers are right when it comes to their relationship and you just don’t like that it’s a gay one - So you take it to that weird extreme.

I have zero problems with gay relationships when they naturally occur, like I have stated before. I have a problem with fan fiction over writing actual lore to pander to a specific portion of the player base.

I will say the same to you. Why are you ignoring countless parts of the books where Anduin shows his attraction to other races? Notice that they always push humans as potential suitors?

Imagine that one conversation that a few of you are quoting as “this is proof” is actually referring to that?

Instead you make an asinine comment if he was a woman instead and then find offense to bringing up the story as written with your character narrative involved.


No, you “shippers” are taking a friendship and twisting it into a gay romance that was never hinted at…


Liked Wrathion AS A FRIEND ONLY per the author herself. But you rabid slash fanfiction girls can’t seem to want to comprehend that. And this friendship was before Wrathion’s meddling let Garrosh escape and indirectly led to the death of Anduin’s father.

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It’s literally because Anduin sucker punched Wrathion.

Ever since then the fans are CONVINCED there’s high sexual tension between the two. And then they go “UwU” over it and demand it be made canon.

I’m pro lgbt rep.
I just don’t see it working for Anduin and Wrathion.


Is this thread really still going? Mods y’all need to wake up and put an end to this omg


Because its not, it never was, it never will be, and none of us who are actually LGBTQ WANT to claim either of those 2.

can this topic please just die the death it and we all are screaming for?


I thought Anduin canonically had relationships with women? So if he’s not straight he’d likely be bi or pan. People are always so keen to erase bi people, or claim them as gay.

He’s probably just straight though tbh.

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You misunderstand my comments by removing them from context, but that’s ok, I don’t care to correct you. :hearts:

I made no mistake. I read your post, i quoted the part i wanted to reply to. You are simply wrong.