Let Anduin be homosexual

Homosexuality does NOT have to be force fed in every single thing in life.

So you just say something you have no idea whatsoever, very fitting.

No I am perfectly aware but not going to be baited by yet another T.

Care to answer now about his attraction to other races? Or are you just going to avoid the facts for what a 10th time now?

You’re the kind of person who just ask question but can’t answer it.

Go away already, im not answering any of your question anymore.

Lol hypocrit.

You nrver snswered their question in the first place. Or presented evidence.

Go away?

Nah I am more than happy to keep highlighting your hypocrisy.

You don’t want to have a discussion. You want to push an agenda. Like I said another T. If you truly wanted to prove your point you’d have more than one conversation that you felt implied one thing, but those of us who have followed the series for years see it another.

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You should learn what that word mean instead of just saying it like Alakhai.

They still doesn’t answer what is homosexual tendencies, im not answering anything until they do.

You never gave any answers just bait and whining.

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Why would i asnwer a question from a question? Answer mine first.

Wow. And no I asked first and I’m not taking the bait. Like I said talk to your parents, do a google search whatever I am not here to educate you on this, nor am I breaking the ToS to do it for you T to flag me into oblivion. I know it’s you, it’s funny that you try the same scummy tactics in every LGBTQ thread.

Look another avoidance skill up! Rather than have a discussion, look at you.

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No you’re not.

Yeah i can just answer all of your question with ask your parents.

Go away and ask your parents Alakhai.

What do I need to ask my parents? :rofl: I know what it is. It’s you that keeps asking for clarification.

I wouldn’t try to ask them about WoW lore, they don’t play it, much like it seems that you have only read one conversation. I guess I could ask them to read that chat and see what they infer, maybe I will when I go over for dinner this weekend.

I bet their supposition makes a heck of a lot more sense than anything you’ve come up with though.

Why would you ask me? ask your parents.

Oh you are trying to burry the question I get it.

For those new to the thread, we are attempting to get someone to answer why all of Anduin’s attractions to women of other races gets ignore by them to push an agenda.

More at 11.

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Im not answering your question until you or your parents answer mine.

Im not even reading your post.

Really you keep quote replying though?

Ask your parents.

The thing that always gets me is is Wrathion had been a girl, with no other changes - People would be lining up saying Anduin and Wrathella were meant to be.

Imagine the outcry had Anduin punched a woman like he did Wrathion. Imagine thinking that physical violence made them a thing, and before you say never said that I encourage you to read back through the thread.

This is the problem I have with the whole scenario. Like plenty have stated I am cool with a new leader being LGBTQ but there is no need to change existing characters.

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Naw they would cry about abuse to women or something.

I would chuckle if wrath genderbent himself to prank anduin only to be reverse pranked and left confused.

Even if it was a april fools nightmare.