Let Anduin be homosexual

Yeah that’s you, do you even read the book?

Yeah I own all of them, I know that he likes the curvy draenei. You continued a story in your mind. You chose to make his “choice” a gay one. You avoid all the prior lore for one conversation, that isn’t even outlined in the slightest. You chose gay, when others would choose I don’t know those draenei gals as every prior book suggests?

This is fan fiction. You not grasping that it on you.

You clearly don’t, otherwise you won’t even argue that Anduin himself said he’s not interested in any of the woman suggested to him, that his own father said to trust in himself to find the correct partner.

And as i said Anduin can still be bisexual.

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Which would be mixed race, which he has been attracted to for eons. Notice they only want him to court humans. Common sense really I know it’s tough to face reality sometimes.

He could also identify as a slug, he could fart sparkles, silly right? You may think that but the author begs to differ. You want to retcon a character that has much established lore, even people in the community disagree with you, and really I feel like I have fallen in a T & T trap.

So happy WoWing.

Here’s the thing.

Anduin is fictional, and people write the story so this doesn’t have to happen. Gen can warn about it, and then someone can go

“And then Anduin and Wrathion became a couple, and since Anduin never made an heir he elected a counsel of lead the people of Stormwind into a prosperous new future.”


“And then Anduin and Wrathion eloped, and in his absence the house of nobels tried to enter into a civil war with each other only to be overthrown by the soldiers they were paying who beheaded all of them and appointed an elected king.”


“Anduin and Wrathion became a couple, and with the guidance of the black dragon he taxed the nobels into oblivion in order to help the people of Westfall, and through the powers of the light lived for thousands of years with his new dragon husband until the head death of the universe.”

their small conversation isn’t as set in stone as you want it to be :frowning: sorry to tell you

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Alakhai is correct. And more importantly you have already been told the issues of him being bi for the story. Your not anduin no ones forcing the real life you to change your sexual preference. The lore is what it is.

And none of the romance stuff really matters to the main world ending big bad main story of wow.

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You could do alot of things sure. But the scenarios you rambled off make no sense.

You still want a believable story. All the lore we have and future lore that would work for it points to anduin and tealia. Assuming anduin isn’t axed in sl.

More like he just think like you, he even technically agree with me that Anduin don’t like Tess or Taelia (Altough idk why he move to mixed-race idea).

Your entire idea basically would make WOW or any story to be the blandest thing ever. Farmer should farm, fisher should fish, king should marry woman because that’s what they do.

Boring, just like you.

Lol ok.

Anduin doesn’t really say much about tess. He knows her well enough to suggest that she would be unhappy with a political marriage. But he doesn’t say he dislikes her. In fact anduin says to gen he has no romantic feelings for anyone at present.

Keep in mind the book is at the start of bfa. He meets tealia in bfa. And he suggests a tour of sw when they get the chance. I said this before (mister read my posts). But tealias lines in sl seem to imply she did spend time with anduin off screen.

So you can’t say he doesn’t like her. We don’t have dialogue from him or internal thoughts either.

Anduin never states to have any romantic interest in wrath. And we know how anduin reacted to wrath coming back. They are not friends now. And as i sad before. Wrath has once again poofed from the story.

You can throw whatever personal name calling you want. But it doesn’t change the established lore or world. The writing is so far looking to end a certain way.

Are you so dense, do Anduin have to literally say “No lol i don’t like your daughter” for it to be considered canon to you?

The fact that this thread is still going is upsetting enough . . . the fact that it’s survival seems to be lead by Anduin wrathion SHIPPERS makes me sick . . .

I am not anti lgbt but I am both anti pointless retcon and anti shipper. Anduin has shown interest in both female Draenei and female dwarves (safe to assume I guess he likes female humans) and has never ONCE shown any interest romantic sexual or otherwise in male individuals. Yes he had a friendship with Wrarhion but here’s the funny thing . . . friendship does NOT equal romance. Hard to believe with all the “childhood friends become lovers” fanfics and Gaaah this topic infuriates me!

I pray they NEVER make him gay if only to avoid the single worst case of manipulative pandering in all of fantasy story telling existence.


By anduins words at present he has no romantic interesrs at all. But before did flirt with womem well hiding his identity.

Thats whats cannon.

But i guess you just want your fanffic woke writing to ignore all present lore.

Archer i am the bone of my bait.

What gets me the most is they don’t fight for a new leader to be added, let’s be fair, the horde leaders fall faster than anything, would be super easy to install a new gay leader.

But why do that when we can set up a pile of bait threads that Blizzard is afraid to take down due to optics. It’s pretty depressing to see overall, and it causes so much strife within their own communities.

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I really wish thralk had not been a smuck and started off with a council to begin with abd used completely different names. But hey lets copy the genecidal orcs and make enemies right off the bat … dum rock munching muppet.

Oh boy this is so fun! Let’s play you. Did you just assume my gender?

I am a woman, not once have I inferred your sex.

So really, oh person of wokeness, why did you do that?

Why are you avoiding answering the whole part on his love for other races, not men?

Me thinks you doth protest far too much over certain things while ignore the facts that don’t fit your agenda.


Yikes, still using the word woke in 2021.

Yikes still shipping a man with no homosexual tendencies whatsover to another man, and ignoring the question. Avoidance skill up?

Proved my point.

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Lol you wouldn’t like the other words that could be used. Would probably cry about it. Lol.

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Define homosexual tendencies?

I think that’s a conversation you should have with your parents.