Let Anduin be homosexual

Thats the way the written lore is going. And it makes sense.

As you try to ship a character with a dragon when no evidence to suggest they where anything but friends mate.

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Honest question, have you even read the books? From everything you are spouting I am certain you are having a problem differentiating fan fiction from the actual writing.

I’m holding out for him hooking up with his sexy body guard - Valeera :pleading_face:

THAN (then? I never know…)

Anduin can be homosexual

It make sense to you.

Why do you think we even got tealia into the story at all. The story has all but set them up.

It would seem from tealias lines in sl her and anduin have been hanging out off screen.

She literally meets all the requirements he needs as a future queen.

Your literally just mad that the story won’t pander to you.

How about making more new characters that happen to be gay/bi. Or maybe when wrath unpoofs he will be gay with another dragon.

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“I’m gay so everyone else is probably gay deep down.”

No. You don’t see me driving for Anduin to be a space pirate.

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No, not everyone but it’s obvious that Anduin is.


Thing is there was nothing that pointed to Anduins sexuality up until they created Taelia in BFA, so up until then it was up in the air.

In this instance it would just be finding out new things about characters we’ve already known, such as Mathias.

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Read the books? Because they outline in various ones his attraction to women.

This feels like people wanting to pull a JK Rowling and start changing everything to fit the current social climate nothing more.


There is evidence pre bfa that anduins straight. I have already said it multiple times. You have to consume all the lore though not just ingame stuff.

Theres nothing to imply he swings bi. Only instances suggesting he likes women and has responsibilities as a king.

Suddenly adding changes when there’s nothing to build that up is really bad writing.

Because they set her up for Bolvar?

Like what?

I can say the same to you.

Easy, ladies.


We already new about bolvar from wrath. Tealia is bolvars daughter specifically because of the fordragon name and maybe menethil name.

Bolvar was for a time a steward of sw and high ranking palladin. He was another father figure to anduin. This helps connect tealia and anduin.

The theory that calias secret husband and child may be bolvar and tealia makes sense. When we know they where being sent away as lorderon fell. Tealia telling us bolver sent her to kultiris for her protection as he went to sw from lorderon implies he may have been the secret husband.

Unless blizz is gonna have bolvar meet calia we don’t know for sure. But the theory adds up.

What does anduin need his queen to be ?

  1. a women
  2. a human
  3. a noble, royalty, or high social status
  4. ruffly his age and single

Tealia meeets all the requirements. And if the theory is right she may actually be of royal blood. A marriage would unite the fallen kingdom of lorderon with sw. And even help relations with the forsaken.


People don’t care about narrative or story so long as its forced inclusivity.

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And thats the issue. We keep getting that and it makes for awful stories and characters.

That and live action remakes … /barf.

In the book Varian literally told him to ignore all those things and go for someone he trully like, which is Wrathion, not Tess, not Taelia.

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I already told you the consequences spelled out by the book before the storm with gen and his chat. He needs hiers or there will be civil war which is not what he wants. And anduin ends that chat with.

Hes not in love with anyone and doesn’t have time for romance.

Anduin wouldn’t have felt guilty for flirting with a peasent in rising shadows if his social requirements didn’t matter.

And theirs nothing in the lore to say he likes wrath like that. And their friendship is already dead.

Your talking in circles.

That’s your opinion and he can’t like other characters? You’re trying to force your agenda in the game.

For the entirety of the thread i always said im open to him being bisexual, while others are forcing their heterosexuality on me.

I asked you last night you avoided answering but gosh darnit did you actually read them?

You seem to be reading some fan fiction cliff notes version.

It’s not forced it’s lore. You though are forcing an agenda, projecting that any men that fight are automatically gay at that. There is zero inference of this and the author has addressed it. Add a new gay character I have no issues, changing Anduin for not other reason than “I like fan fiction” and spouting lines like this is nothing more than pandering and really unnecessary.