Let Anduin be homosexual

Since when did being friends with a dude as a dude and expressing emotion equate to being gay… It’s not a homosexual relationship, it’s a normal friendship.

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Since shippers mate.

Based on statements given by Christie Golden, Anduin is expressed as specifically being a straight male.

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Says the level 13 Blood Elf with barely a hundred posts. Where’s your main been hiding, hmm?

If post counts matter, does that mean mine matters more than yours?

Barack Obama should do the voice acting for Anduin

Please no anduins voice is actually pretty good. He did the before the storm audio book. I was very impressed.

The emotional scenes meant to rip out my heart had me choking back tears.

Unlike the lackluster audio book for rising shadows.

Which is a non-issue, Jaina alone can solve the issue by force.

Again, bunch of revolting human citizens is such a small threat in Warcraft universe.

Make hum gay for pride month.

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Main groups of people who want Anduin to be gay (despite all actual lore evidence and outright writer statements to the contrary).

A) Hardcore (and immature at that) Horde only players who think ‘gay’ is an insult/bad thing and thus think the current leader of the Alliance being made gay would be ‘hilarious’ and ‘prove’ how inferior the Alliance is.

B) Likewise immature people who have the rather toxic mindset that if a male is attractive, kind, softspoken, compassionate, actually thinks constant war is a bad thing…well then, they MUST be gay! Can’t have a reasonable, non warmongering male character be straight after all! /sarcasm.

C) Immature people camp #3- two characters or people of the same sex absolutely CAN’T be ‘just friends’ (even when the writer has said on twitter multiple times the two characters in question are JUST FRIENDS…I mean, what a radical idea, that you can be friends with someone and NOT want to boink them!

D) The camp that live on tumblr/fanfiction.net/insert other fandom site and thinks Wranduin fics/fanart are ‘hot’ and so think if they scream and whine and stamp their feet enough Blizzard will give in and make their fanfiction delusions reality in the game.

E) Trolls (unimaginative ones at that) who just like making these stupid threads to get a rise out of people.


F) People with good taste.

You forgot the biggest group lol

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People with good taste don’t want writers to change a character to suit their fanfiction fantasies over creating new characters.

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Jaina is the ruler of kultiris now. And a civil war ontop of all the other issues is the last thing anduin wants for his people.

Its not main story but it’s still important for the games world and the society the human characters exist in.

Anduins not free and he knows it.

It’s not a change. Just acknowledging what’s already there. Not the audience’s fault writers often don’t full get all the subtext they put in.

There is nothing there except a character who in canon has ONLY expressed attraction towards women and had a friendship with another male character that some people get hot and bothered over the thought of them being together even when the writer said they’re just friends. Your ‘subtext’ and wanting something to be true doesn’t make it so.

F) People that are just waiting in the wings to continue the narrative that all straight white men are being erased from pop culture/entertainment.

Ironically, there’s probably a large overlap between them and the people that think Anduin is effeminate, but I’m sure they’d be happy to still use Anduin as “proof” if Blizzard were to suddenly announce that he’s gay.

I too, am a fan of the waggle.

Telling Anduin that he’s not free and he should marry a woman because of social pressure is the wrong thing you want to tell to your playerbase.

This isn’t a family drama tv show. Romance isn’t the main point. What we know of the social structure the human kingdoms is set in the lore.

The message you are referring to is irrelevent.

Altering the established world makes no sense for the story

No. There’s no need to ruin a good character.

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Coming from someone that tries to force Anduin to Taelia.