Let Anduin be homosexual

Expressing that you disagree with this ship is not an example of homophobia.


Like i said even if he was bi it doesn’t work for anduins social position as king. And he isn’t the kind of guy that wants a harem.

I’m not against anything other than companies tossing out random lgbt badges to characters for nothing more than virtue points

Write a good story about it, go into the characters struggles with their sexuality or gender maybe. Stop just sticking a stamp on them and calling it a day so no one can call your company phobic

I wouldn’t be if it was genuine

Do explain, because I don’t :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_monocle:

Why cares about his position, he can do whatever he wants, do you see people complain as much when Calia ran away from his social position?

Just be honest why you’re so against Anduin Wrathion pairing already.

Let Anduin have the next expansion off.

Continuing to claim a straight character is straight, is not homophobia.


You will never see it as genuine no matter what we say, let’s be real here.

He not free to do whatever. The books tell us so. He his bound by his crown and the kingdom he rules.

Calia was only allowed to marry a peasent in secret because arthas was going to get the crown. Calia was waiting to go with her secret husband/child after arthas became king.

Its kinda implied that bolvar and tealia may be those secret family members.

Anduin needs to do certain things or his people are screwed which is the last thing he wants.

Keep in mind to the human kingdom of lorderon has been destroyed. Calia before sylvie kills her has no kingdom. And is currently a lightbound undead.

It’s not about what you say. It’s Blizzard, and given their track record, it won’t be genuine.

Also, if they do it solely because you and a bunch of other players demand it, how genuine is it really? Let’s be honest

Trying to insinuate everyone disagreeing with you is a phobe is a weak argument strategy… Be subtle about it at least


No he’s not, he doesn’t have to follow the arbitrary social pressure imposed upon him, if anything that would make him look weak.

Yes he is. If he doesn’t the nobles will break into civil war for the crown. They will do so as well if anduin dies without hiers.

Thats the whole point of anduins/gens talk in the book. Gen has to corner anduin after months and have a blunt talk with him.

Even if he drops the crown you still have civil war and a power grab by the nobles.

The way the human kingdom functions is essentially setup in the books.

Nobody cares about the noble, Alliance consist of multiple races, you act like nobles in this game are so important, what a weirdo.

They are the backbone of the human kingdom in the lore. Sw is mostly a fuedal class society. The king needs the support of the nobles.

It typically doesn’t matter to the main story or game mechanics. But its still a major factor for the human characters and the world they exist in.

Its not about the alliance as a whole. It’s specifically the human kingdom of sw.

Nobody cares about them, Blizzard can write them off today and nobody would notice it but you.

And? Blizzard hasn’t written them off because to do so would break the established world of the game.

And anduin still needs human hiers.

So i’ve read all your post just now, you seems like that weirdo that are so fixated by what the human nobles think Anduin should do, why are you like this? Are you the kind of guy that got stuck in the past?

The main character in this game has fought Alien and go to the underworld, it felt weird that you care so much what a bunch of old rich man would say to Anduin if he’s indeed gay.

Not that the main story has ever cared about the bedroom activities of the characters. But theres no evidence to support anduin being anything but straight.

I am sick and tired of tokenism writing just because when it makes no sense.

And really if you actually read everything i said you wouldn’t be continueing to argue mate.

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What, you didn’t ship Dumass and Johnny Awesome the second you saw them?

They walked on the same dirt path, destined for love!

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More concerned with world ending god tier threats.

Headcannon rp wise. Kak here after the destruction of lorderon and the sunwell went solo to be a sudo batman/punisher character.

Ah, I see, I see.

Now that you mention it, I bet Kil’jaeden had a crush on Deathwing. nodnod

They are both red, that is how I know.