Let Anduin be homosexual

probably a bad business decision. Mathias Shaw was enough of a side character to where no one would really care

This lol not everyone has to be gay in the game to get representation. There are multiple gay characters now so please just stop with this. He has shown interest in nothing but women so far lore wise.


Steps to making a stupid undeletable thread topic in general.
Step one mention LGBTQ+ or trans anything or demand an established character become alphabet.
Step two profit as forum mods do nothing to take any action what so ever and thus the flood continues of pointless topic spam day in…day out.


More like you’re just assuming things that aren’t there to begin with.

Oh, they’ll take action, they’ll just flag anyone who calls out this kind of post for what it is and label them as a bigot while some may even be upheld.

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Read the lines in the books. They go into very detailed descriptions of the girls body and anduins thoughts and reactions. Its not hard to discern whats happening there.

He was also at the time at the age of puberty. We have never gotten anything in the lore to imply anduin being bi or gay. And from his own mouth in the books he says he doesn’t have the time romance or anyone he’s interested in.

Now that was in before the storm. Since then he’s meant tealia.

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It’s already established that Anduin is straight

If we must make a major character gay, make it Wrathion. He’s single, looks like a Ken doll, and honestly that hair/beard combo is way too fabulous to belong to a straight man

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Gen is old and has a wife. He also has 2 kids one is dead. He tells anduin in their chats in before the storm. That gen views anduin like a son. He would do anything to protect anduin.

The book also tells us that gen is in alot of emotional pain over his sons death. And that he feels he’ll never fully recover from that loss.

Wrath has not really expressed any sort of sexusl interest at all. He considers anduin a friend but knows he broke that friendship.

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Why does the type of person a fictional character wants to have sex with matter at all? How bored do you have to be to sit around and think about this stuff?

Anduin and Wrathion have tons of chemistry people, get over it. A bunch of players think Anduin likes guys for a reason. It’s super obvious, and his friendship with Wrathion would’ve already developed into a romance if one of them was a girl. I suggest checking your homophobia at the door and doing some self reflection if what I’m saying regarding double standards with straight/non straight characters hits a little close to home.



I was making a joke.

They can think it, but it’s canonically wrong.

There’s no homophobia involved be stating a character is factually straight. It’s been confirmed multiple times that Anduin is exclusively interested in women, and that him and Wrathion are PURELY friends.

You and others wanting to change that is, to put in a bit harshly, heterophobic.
Focus on asking for new characters, and if you want to focus on existing ones then only target the ones that have no established sexuality.


Why is this thread still up? 404 it already, mods.


I love wrathuin but most Wrathuin shippers are shipping Anduin with Wrathion’s humanoid form, which isn’t really him… he’s a dragon. Anduin’s citizens wouldn’t take it so kindly to a black dragon either after learning the tale of the deceitful dragon Onyxia(and her head being on display in SW because of it) and deathwing(his father)

But this could also work out because I’m assuming Wrathion could take on any humanoid form that Anduin likes.

All in all: I think Anduin would be allowed to openly date another man, but not a black dragon

Let Anduin be lich king.

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Thats true of many friendships between heteros.

Wrath broke their friendship. And if you notice anduin specifically tells us in mop not to trust wrath. There was teenage boys being friends not romance.

Anduins only ever shown interest in women. And it wouldn’t make sense fot that to just change. Either for the story or the social position anduins in.

You can have none straight characters thats fine. But make new characters instead of messing with already establidhed characters. This is not any sort of ist, ism, obia, or ization.

Based of anduins chat with gen in before the storm anduin has certain responsibities as king.

He must produce human hiers of noble birth to keep the nobles happy. Or there will be civil war. So for his official wife/queen must be a human women that’s a noble or high social standing (hence why tealia exists).

Royalty has historically had mistresses side lovers etc.

So i suppose anduin if he was bi. Could have wrath as a side lover but thats it.

The talk spells out anduins social position/responsibities as well as his personal thoughts.

The only other option is he drops the crown and flees. Which would start a civil war. And given how much anduin cares about his people and peace. It would be out of character for him to do that.


Ah, but they’re both pretty, and exchanged a few lines of dialogue! That must mean they are romantically involved! Remember when Wrathion left the room and screamed we were all doomed? That’s just how black dragons flirt.