Let Anduin be homosexual

Elven women are sexier than both space goats.

I think you are thinking of another RPG…Wildlife.

“Make this character that isn’t lgbt lgbt for some reason.”

Anduin played chess with Wrathion, but they weren’t sitting five feet apart. :confused: It grew from there.

Ah, but what about random NPC#3453 who briefly was looked at by Anduin…either that or he was turning his head, anyway - definitely madly in love.

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Gotta love how people hate anduin then come out want it to then turn the character gay thus they show their neglegence by wanting to attach a minority to a disliked character to validate hate and resentment for lgbt.

Kinda like in the same boat of people pushing others to say their pronouns outing their sexuality against their privacy of their orientation.
Why I never agree with people pushing for this lgbt narritive in game. You are trying to out people and their orientation which would leave them all open and vulnerable to the toxic players in the game who would abuse and harass the players for being gay.

If you truely want representation then make a new character that isnt a steryotype of LGBT and let them become loved by the community naturally.

But converting established characters into that and making them a target for hate for changing a character based on nothing but pandering and by extention only form animosity and hostility towards the lgbt and doing it to already disliked characters only muddies waters and lets the hate groups hide among those who just dislike the character and that opens another can of worms making it bad to hate the character from their character and making it about their orientation.

So tired of these thoughtless arrguments. Leave established characters alone. Make your own.
/rant end

People who make these posts and topics never seem to think past the mad A B because my opinion is right. Think beyond…every action has a reaction.


If he was bi it just wouldn’t work for his social position and universe he exists in. More specifucally he could be bi and have side lovers (as royalty has done in history). But he would still need a noble human girl to have kids with and be his queen.

We have a general idea of how the human kingdoms social structure works from the lore. So it would be really jarring to mess with it.

And theres just nothing presently that tells us he’s into anyone at all. He’s only shown sexual interest in women.

To have a good story it has to make sense. And romance is not relevant to the main story of the game.

I think that’s a stretch. We didn’t hear about him popping wood or some sort of contactless emission.

Yea with sls garbage writing making him arthas 2.0 puppet after being yeeted in broad daylight in his city. Well the goons where out for coffee.

Gods blizzard did all the captures in the laziest way possible.

But to the main point the book has gen and anduin talk about his lack of hiers and romance. And he straight up tells gen. He’s too buisy to do romance and has no feelings for anyone.

Wrong in the books his first crush was on a dwarf girl. She dies in a cave in.

And well he’s training with the spacegoats he stands at attention down under well admiring a dreanei girl casting spells.

And well under disguise to destress he flirts with a cute human barmaid.

The guy has instances of sexual attraction toward women alone.

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No, those are hardly sexual. There was nothing sexual about them. There was no description of attempts at copulation or desires as such.

It may have been a crush, or some other interest. The sexual part is in the mind of certain readers. But no where is there any sexual desires expressed on his part.

Why do people find him homosexual? I really dont get it.

Anduin is the type of person who read about the scandals involving priests and thought it was a reason to sign up.

It makes no sense. Arent homosexuals supposed to be manly and hairy and not some James Charles freaks? I dont understand. You know. MANLY MEN WHO DO MANLY THINGS IS REALLY REALLY GAY!

Good points. Unfortunately this is Naheec’s in a nutshell Logic.

Said logic, is actually a sign of arrested development mentally when you think about it. They never learned a little thing called “boundaries”. They believe they alone have a right to make demands. If it’s not their way, then it can burn.

People like Naheec are honestly speaking, the black sheep of the LGBTQ+ communities. Sadly even in LGBTQ+ Communities you will get that one bad apple, who is not derivative of the rest of the community; but which gives the rest of the group a bad name with their ridiculousness and absurdity.

Shame on Blizzard Entertainment for contributing to the forum / playerbase’s general unhappiness and unrest, and for causing real damage to the actual LGBTQ+ community, by applying a double standard to their moderation practices.

We all know very very well, that any post which demanded that Flynn, Shaw, Pelagos, or countless other characters be changed into something they are not; would be deleted immediately and with prejudice.

That double standard is both denigrating to actual LGBTQ+ people, and it also alienates those who are not; by showcasing that the rules only matter if your a part of a select group. If your in the special class however, you have a free license to do anything.

That mentality is also a major part of what is making people go to FFXIV and give up with this company. People are sick of the crap, the delays, and the excuses. It’s also a factor on why Blizzard Entertainment has, and will continue to have a real problem internally.

It was alluded to by the IGN report, but it’s simpler to sum up this way.

The player-base wants entertainment, not a soapbox rant.

Getting the physical reaction down under from the sexy dreanei girl is a sexual reaction. The lines from the book go into very spefic detail about the girls body. And anduin just instinctively reacts down under.

Having a crush on a girl is a physical and emotional reaction.

Flirting with the barmaid tells us he’s physically interested.

Of course the catch with anduin is he can only physically do stuff with certain women since he’s royalty.

In the books we get to hear the characters internal thoughts. He flirts with the barmaid but feels guilty. Because she’s below his social station he could never do anything with her.

Anduins aware of the responsibilities as king. He is bound to do what is best for his people first and himself last. The talk with gen and him tells us this as the reader.


Huh? i must’ve misread the book or you did.

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Let Anduin be you irl
Yes you
The one reading this
You’re literally Anduin

Alot of wows more sexual stuff is veiled. You have to read between the lines.

Just quoting this post because it should have stopped and been deleted there.

Too much SJW going on today. So many fake people.