Let Anduin be homosexual

That is because the body of the female Draenei is like a physical incarnation of the sex goddess. What self respecting man, straight or not, could NOT respect that?

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Well I mean… Characters in wow can change their bits at the barber shop at will. Also transmorohic tincture.

Also… Being poly exists.

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Lol the fact that you believe this is so adorable…Bless your heart!

Draenei men are sexier. YEAH I SAID IT!

As Tevye said in “Fiddler on the Roof,” TRADITION!!! :slight_smile: :joy:

WHAT?!?!?!?!?! Aren’t we all supposed to be following the science?


I like the people arguing about reconning and “established lore” hilarious.

Anduin being bi would not be considered retcon anyway.

Make them all gay!
Who cares? It’s just a video game right?
Unlike incels who objectify scantily clad women, we only care about what fictional characters diddle in bed, that’s way better!

Oh yeah now this is something I can get on board with :yum:

I hate LBGTQ posts but everyone already says Anduin is gay as is. It started all the way back in MoP when even my religious mother said he and Wrathion are gay bois


Female Dwarves exist? :laughing:

Yes, I would say he is very busy right now indeed…laughs evilly

Seriously how can some people not see this? It’s so obvious.

So stunning. Much brave.

If you’re playing a video game seeking to feel represented I would say there are deeper problems with your life. It’s a video game, fight for representation in the real world.

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Stunning and brave!

No. That would be the end to the royal line. Taelia Fordragon would be perfect for him!

Does anyone actually care about royal bloodline in 2021?

I don’t know if Anduin is gay or not, but I think it is somewhat problematic that people in this thread enforce the idea that men who show emotions and are “good guys” and care about their friends deeply must automatically be gay.

I don’t really care about Anduin’s sexual orientation and if he was in fact gay or bisexual, sure why not, but I don’t think we need to push the idea that caring men who aren’t super destructive in their behavior can’t be heterosexual either.