Let Anduin be homosexual

From politics and lunatics who freak out because “muh representation”.

Why does he need to be gay? I like how yall word this thread. “Let him be homosexual” instead of “make him homosexual”. Because that’s exactly what it is. Forcing your ideas and beliefs onto a story just because you think it fits your perception better.

And NO. I am not annoyed about this due to LGBTQ etc, I am annoyed as a writer. People wanting their own fan fictions forced upon your characters is annoying as frick. Much less I like what they are doing with Anduin. And taking him down some route that was obviously not planned for him will only hurt it. (And don’t get me wrong. Fan fictions are fine for those people. But that’s all that they are. It’s trying to force said fan fictions on the writer and their story that irks me).

You know what my representation in WoW is? My characters. I play them how I want and act how I want as well as style them how I want. And for this character in particular? I solely ride the horse from Strath UD, always have the Arthas costume from holloween on and play on his character a good bit to entertain those around me.

I don’t look at characters and think “they should be ______ or _______” I look at their characteristics, how they act, who they are, the role they play in the story, how their actions affect the story, how other characters affect them, how their choices being played out match to their character or not, whether their story makes sense (i.e. Mary Sues don’t), if they have reasonable character growth throughout the story or not, how well paced their growth is, as well as how these things all affect the future of the story as well going forward.
And YES. Their sexual preference affects a lot of those things! And while this is a game generally avoiding the concept of romance, he is still a king. And as a king part of his role in the overall story is having an heir and continuing his bloodline.

Now sure, it can be played out that he somehow differs from that, happens all of the time! But with the direction of the story, how his actions and choices have guided him as a character, it seems fairly obvious that they are taking him, as far as king PoV goes, down a more regular path. He’s already dealing with the point of suddenly becoming king from his fathers’ death, much less a high king over an alliance of kingdoms. He also has to deal with all of the politics between the issues of the races and the wars going on. Much less now being controlled by the jailer and using powers that oppose his own. For all we know he will be a DK from now on.

Just because he teared up in a cinematic during a battle, because tossing a priest-trained young man into a full-on field of battle seeing his people die due to orders he gave is somehow unreasonable for him to become emotionally challenged, and him having a history of being good friends and working well with another male character (a friendship that went down badly) does not suddenly make him any less a man or any less “straight” as others might look at him that way.

Now could he end up homosexual, yeah writers can pull some magic rabbits out of their pens. But it does not seem like a reasonable choice at this time. Maybe back in MoP when he had a lot less character built in him and the friendship with Wrathion was much better, and him being a teenager still which is prime age to begin figuring these things out, would these ideas have had merit.

But right now, with everything compound into him as a character, I don’t see it.


This, this, this, this, this, AS A FREAKING WRITER FREAKING THIS!
As a writer one of your largest goals is giving every character a reason to be there. Yes it can change as you develop the story, but generally if you feel the need for giving good representation, which is a real thing, then the characters should be thoroughly developed for that role rather than “WELL NOW THIS CHARACTER IS THIS SUDDENLY” with no real reasoning.

I have a character in my story who I originally created to be “that good guy who dies in book 1”. And like Blizzard with Denathrias, I fell in love with the character and his design. Thus his role has been elongated to 4-5 novels now with him feigning his death in novel 1, turning out to be a bad guy, then upon his actual death revealing that he was forced to be evil by his father and had been planting things the entire time to help the good side which would explain unusual actions he takes over the story as well as his ability to perform certain bad actions.


You can’t make a shaman gay. They are in-tune and follow nature. Goes against the lore.


He got the gay when nature stopped responding to him! It still fits!!

Come on, it’s Anduin… we all know the book would be called 50 shades of Greymane.


I really wish blizz just deleted this thread

The dude isn’t gay, he’s been shown to prefer women multiple times now, he’s just a wiener

Just ignore it. You refreshed the page and saw the blue notification (new replies) and had to come in to say something: police the forums. This is a valid suggestion and merits a discussion, even if you think the op is a troll.

But it isn’t a valid suggestion

Why would the character need to be rewritten for this?

Sure, you could have said bisexual and that coulda worked, but the man isn’t gay

They won’t stop because while the mods will ban you for analogous posts that they don’t deem “PC”, they’re afraid to ban them over LGBT, so like good little trolls they keep pushing into the loophole even though its obviously spam/inappropriate to the forum.

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Just make him gay and be done with it. Throwing small characters like Shaw and Chromie literally means nothing, the biggest LGBT pairing on twitter right now is pretty much Anduin Wrathion.

I would like an interesting and funny plot to the fate of the son of a king who fought so hard, but that answer I would say about Varian would be retrograde for these times.

But apart from that I think not even that would be, because the entertainment industries would hypocritically focus more on a trans experience, that is, they are more ridiculous when it only focuses on one LGBT gender while rejecting the others as a result being discriminatory.

Now that Pelagos and a forced Crommie is on the list of writers with bad experience in writing, it is shown that the inclusive and politically correct forced does not help even anything with the bad experience of the game such as the microtransactions offered in the TBC and some gameplay remained in oblivion as Thorgast remaining the same as the BfA Warfronts.

That is why it would be a shame that Blizzard does not take advantage of that moment, just for the money.

Ok why bring Greymane into this :rofl: :rofl:

Anduin is straight and he likes the thicc ladies

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I’m not sure I’d consider either of these characters “small.” Chromie has consistently been given bigger roles ever since WoD and Shaw is one of the main players of BFA’s faction war narrative.

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Lets be real if they’re not in the main cinematic they’re pretty much side character.

They need to go big, like Tracer, in this case it’s Anduin.

Strong disagreement there.

Jaina is undoubtedly one of WoW’s main characters, and yet she’s never appeared in any of Blizz’s big budget cinematics. Conversely, Anduin has been in multiple high-end cinematics yet did very little during BFA’s plot.

If we include the cinematics that use in-game models, then Shaw has been in this one;

I mean the announcement got no bomb at all, nobody outside the circle talks about it.

Compare that to Tracer and Soldier76 being gay announcement, every media, every streamer commented on it.

Go big, take Anduin and Malfurion, and pop off.

I’m glad the masculine Shaw is gay. More masculine gay characters.

Please and thanks.

Anduin can be straight and feminine and accept his role as a wife guy.

How is Shaw more masculine than Anduin?

Why? Why does a tiny portion of the playerbase feel entitled to have a main character be gay?