Let Anduin be homosexual

I disagree that Mathias Shaw, who is in charge of Stormwind Intelligence (SI:7) is a ‘minor’ lore character. He is not. As a point of fact he’s been a pretty big deal to anyone who pays attention to the lore since as far back as Classic.

Better to say he’s not important to you. I say that, because in such a mind-set the sentiment of writing his character in the fashion it was, so as to make the game feel more inclusive; was not respected. That is the same as telling Blizzard “Yeah you did this, but I don’t care. It wasn’t the doll I wanted for Christmas so I’m going to rage and throw a fit.”

Unless it’s something that gets the immediate demand fulfilled (and I am not saying your asking for that Rynalas), which in this case is the character of Anduin; then everyone at Blizzard can go to hell as far as the OP and people like him are concerned.

That is the the mentality at play here. Until the OP gets their way like a screaming 5 year old, they simply won’t shut up; unless Blizzard takes steps to stop it themselves.

But that wouldn’t be the end of it, now would it? We all know very well it would not be. There would invariably be another demand, and another and another until the game was a hollowed out wish-fulfillment factory.

That’s not conducive to a “T Rating”. The only mentality I’m seeing, is basically:

“Do as I say, or else Blizzard.”

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And I know none of these by going about my daily wow life. But if I were interested, guaranteed it can be found as you have so introduced.

Sadly that’s where a lot of it comes from. It’s a forced political nature at this point. And why I think it should be kind of not so outward and more or less avoided unless it really pushes story, that goes for all romance. Not really a romance-based game unless you’re in moonguard’s goldshire.

100% And as a writer, I find it HIGHLY irritating. I normally weigh in not-so-critical when foruming on this char due to it’s name and nature that I like to play with but this is one topic I am not a fan of. And not talking bout the content they are targeting but the point of content itself.
One of the only few things I like about current wow is where they might be going with the story.

Of course.
“Muh representation”
Then they’ll want representation for everyone and everything else down the line. Hence why I state that this is not irl based, but an escape and that it is our characters who represent us and why we have RP realms.

My largest stance on it though stems a lot from the point of our own characters. Blizzard could not be any more inclusive than by letting our characters represent us to the best. Let the writing be left alone from such drama.

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Can we just auto spam this on any threads similar to this one. It sums up nicely the better argument for never taking any of these representation threads seriously.


I’ve gained the assumption that these posts are 95% made by trolls, or 5% made by teens/preteens that have just came out the closet and jumped on this trend. The mature LGTBQ+ members can give a flip what happens in game.

The only reason we even know flyn and shaw are a thing eventually is because blizz said so. The book doesn’t really make sense for them at that point to hook up.

They can i don’t care. But it needs more time to make sense.

Anduin and wrath was never romance. Just a friendship that wrath destroyed. Anduin specifically says in mop to not trust wrath. Bfa and sl has all but affirmed tealia and anduin.

You can have gay/bi relations but take the time to actually develop them to make sense.

Everything we know about anduin is that he’s straight. But just too buisy and stressed to care about romance atm.

We also know from gens talk with anduin in the book that as king anduin must marry and have kids with a human noble women (or someone of high standing) to have hiers and keep his crown and prevent civil war.

He is not free to love or marry whoever he wants. Now history shows royalty at times having side lovers. But anduins not really a harem kinda guy.


He needs a wife. He needs heirs.


I just talked to J Allen. He said they will get right on it but until then, Anduin has to wear a pride pin on his collar shirt.

I mean we have our own eyes and it does look like which ever of the 4 covenants zones souls go into is basically an eternity of slavery against your choice with no way out, imagine being forced a job all eternity AFTER UR DEAD lol

Clearly its fd up. But do you really think the jailers gonna be any better?

yeah, you should take a look at larry lawton he is much like the jailer and is pro prison reform. The jailer’s model is also based off him in his prime.

ppl gunna die no matter who in charge but in the long run yes, it could be better, after all we know for fact jailer ran a covenant zone too before he got to curious asking to many questions and got thrown in the maw much like the garden of edan luficer

plus the covenant leaders are not all goody two shoes either, archon is ignorant and is the reason the jaielrs loose anyways she turned away the one who looked into uther, the winter queen is borderline psychotic and loves to have others choose the murderous choices themselves instead of forcing them too, always sacrificing others as well. (reminds me of the evil reinforced draenei…) venthyr nuff said, and the primus, who is to say the outside forces of lgiht ect dont have reason to want to fight the shadowlands maybe they too wish to fix it like the jailer?

i really wish player got more choices… the whole revendreth storyline was obviously a set up what if we get to choose side choose ideals and ways of life as xpacs go on instead of statically being fooled 100% of the time by characters.

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LOL I hate to break it to you… (It’s no different.)

Just make Thrall gay at this point, it’d kinda make sense actually.
Not that that would satisfy anyone, because demands born not of necessity but desire and whim forever grow unsatisfied.

Ehh not really, many fans has pointed out that they’re gay since their sneaky mission to obtain the scepter.

It probably surprises you but not for us the real fans.

We have enough blond twink in our rank. Keep him plz :wink:

You mean obsessed people who only focus on a person’s sexuality and not the actual story? Yeah, wouldn’t call you “real fans”.


What are you trying to escape from? How does Anduin being gay affect your escapism?

Lol “real fans” they where argueing with each other because they are complete opposites. Even in the book they where not really getting along. It was only after shaw is in prison loosing his mind that suddenly he thinks of flynn in a positive way.

They can be a couple it just needs a year plus time of actual development to make sense.

No it would not. It is trite and predictable. Choose a Horde character.
Better yet, write a new character.


You’re probably have never been in a relationship, but fight and disagreement here and there is pretty normal.

You can’t treat them like a martied couple mate. In all of bfa they have 1 quest together and the books a few weeks at best.

Unless blizz is gonna say they established couple status off screen during bfa. The timing makes no sense.

I grant that by the end of the book they where definently friends and shaw had thoughts of more later on (which he had well literally going insane in prison). But we don’t get flynns thoughts.

If they want to do a time skip and say its been x months or years and they established a romance fine. But the current scensrio feels really rushed.