Let Anduin be homosexual

…and I got banned for the thread “Let Anduin be Homo_Erectus” (a caveman).

It’s pandering at it’s finest.

why is our science terms always kinky? or just some form of trolling?

To be fair , scientific terms are just that…scientific terms. “We the people” make it something else.

He’s not handsome enough.

Access to homosexuality denied.

odd cuz ingame its about righting a wrong the eternal ones did

They are not main characters first off. Flynn was implied to like tealia. And we know nothing of shaws personal life.

Hell most of the book they are not even getting along in their scenes. Its only after shaws in prison and goes crazy that he suddenly thinking i need friends. Oh hey flynn smelled nice he can be my friend and maybe more.

Flynns panicking because his comrade has been captured. When they get shaw back. Shaw says lets go to the bar and talk. Blizz said they will be a couple. But by the end of the book they more so established a comradary.

We never get flynns inner thoughts.

They spend at best a few weeks working together in the book and a few months knowing of eachother in bfa. But shaw is a spy. It’s his job to know about people.

Not saying they can’t hook up. But the book really rushed it. Or felt rushed to me.

If they are now friends. Give it a few more months to a year for romance.

We don’t really know much. The jailers objective seems to be destruction. And sylvie somehow thinks its ok.

We have not really had a solid full info dump.

Just the jailer and sylvie crying … boohoo lifes not fair … lets break existence.

Op rather lets make you straight.


If you really think about and read between the lines of quest text there is a darker adult side to the wow universe. And romances in all shapes.

Its just not the main focus of the game and intentionally camouflaged from plain view.

But it does exist. Its schrodingers cat.

Or the akbar of warframe.

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Japan disagrees!

You poor boy. The ladies of culture mock you and your anceators. Hell the fantasy genre is having a field day.

This is why you will always be wrong.

You think Flynn like Taelia -> Wrong.
You think Shaw like Valeera -> Wrong.

And you’ll be wrong again to think Anduin like Taelia, because it’s quite obvious that Anduin have closer relationship with Wrathion.

There’s nothing forced about it, just because you don’t like what you see, doesn’t mean its forced.

The only time anyone is always wrong, is when they have a name that violates the naming policy, by virtue of making a backward reference to a currently sitting president. In that sense, you are always wrong.

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Ok, it’s clear you’re intentionally ignoring all the replies throwing common sense at you (which I know we can’t have here), but I’ll try and repeat it once again.


Two male characters can’t be friends without being gay all of a sudden? You obviously have this weird, sort of disturbing obsession with this, so I’d suggest you try and find something more healthy to obsess over.


Taelia and Anduin are friends, he himself said so. But Wrathion gave me the same vibe as when i saw Shaw and Flynn together.

I definitely felt that love vibe when Anduin straight up punched Wrathion and blamed him for his father’s death.



This is probably one of the best replies here.

Besides the game is an escape from irl. I don’t care bout “muh representation” especially when it is our own characters who represent us.

Keep things like this as a “schrodingers cat.” at most. Have some relationships form if need be to push serious story parts (i.e. like Thrall having a child so if we go far enough in story they’ll be their own character etc) but don’t let silly “shippers” press the story into their own dumb fantasies. That’s what we have some RP servers for.

Well we should also consider the following as well. This is by no means a complete list.

  • Pelagos- Trans.
  • Flynn x Shaw- Two Males.
  • Chromie / Chronormu- Trans.
  • Night Elf Couple, Azsuna- Two Ladies.
  • Night Warrior Therniax and Qadarin- Two Males.
  • Tess Graymane, Confirmed to be interested in women.
  • Soulbinding of Two Kyrian females. Implied to be romantic in nature.
  • Bladeguard Kaja and General Rakera, married with royal approval.
  • Lead Writer, Steve Danuser confirms that Azeroth is inclusive.
  • Blizzard releases LGBTQ+ themed merchandise.


OP is less interested in inclusion. Rather he is akin to a predator. He simply wishes dominance and submission. He is not happy unless he is forcing his views upon the unwilling, not unlike a guy who kisses a girl; gets told pretty bluntly “Stop now.” and then persists, by saying “You know you like it.”

Is that the kind of thing Blizzard supports? I seriously doubt it. But allowing posters like this to get away with this sort of ongoing demand, is enabling them and telling them that sort of mentality is acceptable.

This entire thread is less about good story telling and more about a need by the OP, and others like him; to force their views upon all parties. To hell with anyone else’s desires, they are irrelevant. Likewise, all actions done by Blizzard in the name of inclusivity are also irrelevant, unless they do as he commands, right. NOW.

After they do as he commands there will be another demand and by god they will obey. Or else. Or else what? A bunch of harsh words. Frankly I’d pull the plug on the thread because of that underpinned threat alone.

I have significant doubt that individuals such as the OP ever COULD be content. There is always another demand, or some new edict. That is, until Blizzard finally does something to break the cycle by refusing to enable such posters.

It is my opinion is that Blizzard has done far more than enough and should just delete this thread, as well as any future threads the OP creates. Additional punishments can be meted out, should the OP continue to carry on. Either the rules of the forum matter, or they do not matter. There is no two ways on that street.

Should the OP or his proxies discuss moderation actions that too is against the rules of the forum, and should likewise be actioned. Otherwise Blizzard enters a zero sum game where they continue to appease a fringe minority, that never will be satisfied with anything they do. This is because they don’t want story telling and an RPG. They want “wish-fulfillment” and instant gratification.

While it always is important to be inclusive, and accommodate ‘all’ players of the game, within reason; that inclusivity also means being inclusive to both LGBTQ+ communities, and traditionally minded communities.


All of the examples you give are minor lore characters. Not that I’m agreeing with OP, but if we are talking about legitimate representation that the player base actively sees, then all of these examples are kind of trash :).