Let Anduin be homosexual

They age differently, Wrathion literally speak proper english when he’s 1 year old.

dude i get it you love anduin, but i don’t, stop acting like me voicing my own opinion hurts you in any way, I don’t see him the same way you do and don’t want to, he is to much of a tokenized version of whats being asked. “lets make the guy that everyone calls gay in a derogatory fashion gay, that will show the stereotypes”


Oh please let a group of pixels representing a non-existent character be able to love another group of pixels representing a non-existent character. You’d better make it one I fantasize about or I swear, I will flame you on these forums so hard!!

Look, just leave him be.
If Anduin is gay, and he want’s us to know, he will tell us.
Otherwise, it’s none of your business.
It’s pretty rude and bigoted to be telling Anduin what his sexuality should be.

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? Anduin has been with Wrathion since MOP, how is it forced now?

Do you consider Shaw and Flynn forced? they literally have less screentime than Anduin Wrathion.

He hasn’t been WITH him. He has been FRIENDS with him. Two guys can’t be friends without y’all trying to make them gay? Don’t you have anything better to do with your life?


You mean they have been friends since MoP. Not once has it been described that Anduin had any other feelings for Wrathion since, but has had other female characters described to be attractive to him.

So yes, suddenly having him be “with” Wrathion now would indeed feel forced.


crazy how a post is immune to flags

only certain posts tho

about certain things


Yah it’s actually a joke how this thread remains unlocked


I wonder what would happen if I made a thread asking Sylvanas to be homosexual? :thinking:

Reckon it would be a whole 5min before the the thread got deleted.

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anduin has not ‘been’ with Wrathion ever. last I looked Wrathion was actually a dragon - that couple wouldn’t be representing any community that wants to out itself.


You know that works both ways.

Which again is stupid. Even if he was a “tokenized version”(he isnt)Warcraft/Blizzard has Shaw/Flynn/Soldier and I suspect we will get new characters down the line that are more on the Macho/manly spectrum.

The idea that somehow sweeter/less masculine people cant be courageous/strong in there in own way is a horrible idea.

They told me homosexuality was not a choice.

Who needs to “Let” Anduin be homosexual?

It’s not like it’s a secret or anything. Dude’s gayer than a church picnic.

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do it and how shes trying to free us from the oppressive system of the shadowlands

So force him or the story to have him be gay? Man this logic sounds ODDLY familiar.

Apparently two guys can’t be friends without them being considered “together”…

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guess you haven’t heard of chest-feeding :rofl:

Anduin doesn’t need permission, he’s already gay. Characters can be gay without you being explicitly told they are gay. He’s gay.

Less discrimination! Make everyone friends!
except Jerry… We all know what Jerry did…

No. That’s a stupid idea. Omega-cringe.