Let Anduin be homosexual

So it is fine because the game said its fine?

yeah and if humanoid and if at least 18

As i said, “humanoid” in WOW is a video game term, if you’re fine with human humping a talking cow because the game said its fine, then you’re just being inconsistent.

are you comparing a tauren (intelligint creature that walks on two legs and can think talk and give consent with a irl cow, then you are clearly trolling, good day

Yeah and you compared dragon’s age with human age, yet here i am responding to your stupid trolling.

Good day.

you realise dragons live thousands of years and even if wrathion was 18 thats dangerous territory AND HES NOT EVEN SO IT SHOULDNT BE A SUBJECT

If i can’t compare IRL cow with ingame cow then you can’t compare IRL human age with ingame Dragon age.

Stop freaking out with the caps you furry.

this thread go t me

Bruh :man_facepalming:

Also, bruh :man_facepalming:

Y’all need some fresh air man

waiting for someone in that matter is yikes

As a gay guy, I can assure you we don’t want him. another weak emotional bland character getting the gay tag, no thanks. give us garrosh.


tbh the JAILER come on hes king of the shadowlands, also by the end of the xpac you will see that they wronged the jailer and hes sorta in the right

He is, they appear to age differently. Much how dogs are basically “adults” within 2-3 years.

A human man about a human child? That’d go pretty terribly, by any and all accounts.

A human man about a non-human person who can speak, reason, argue, debate, and showcase, that not only is he physically an adult, but that he can reason, logic, argue, and debate, with you.

Let’s not pretend that your argument works outside of humans when the other species is sentient.

You’re comparing apples to oranges. Humans age differently than dragons. It’s not comparable, and you can’t apply human aging speed like that.

You’re arbitrarily saying “18 is fine” despite the fact that:

  1. Humans aren’t fully mentally mature until their mid 20s.
  2. Human cultures across the globe range from an age of consent between 14 and you can’t if you’re not married no matter the age.
  3. Non humans who aged faster mentally would be capable of the mental maturity needed before we would.

We’re worried that young people aren’t able to decide yet, and that they’re inexperienced enough to be a problem on an emotional and mental level. It’s not just because they haven’t reached a magical age that says “free game.”

If dragons mature, mentally, that quickly for some reason then they do. Wrathion certainly appears to be in control of his faculties as much as anyone in his spot would be. He certainly displays the capacity to logic, reason, and understand his actions, like any adult we’d expect.

That Wrathion is less than 10 years old isn’t important. You’re thinking a ten year old human, but he’s not human. It’s more like a ten-year-old dog that’s sentient, self-aware, and somehow able to take human form. Pretending the aging works the way we pretend it does, that dog is like 50 years old by any living persons standards. The age would not be the issue people took.

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1)You’re not the spokesperson for gay people. 2) Garrosh? That idiot with a daddy complex? Yeah no. 3) Anduin has never been weak to the point he has stood again Garrosh and stopped his idiotic plan to use Sha Magic again the Alliance(and possibly doom his own people).

and you or op are?

Yes a character with flaws that isn’t held on some pedestal, like some effeminate prince in gilded armor. a person who didn’t always make the right choices and died for his beliefs even if they were wrong.

matter of opinion…
but he will never be macho daddy garrosh.

I hate this derogatory stereotype that gays have to be this beautiful special morally correct demigod of virtue.
No. we are real people with real lives and we are not all some pretty boy who doesn’t want to get their hands dirty… and i don’t want our representation to be some blond haired blue eyed pretty boi.

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Forced representation to fit a diversity check is the fastest way to make me hate something AS a gay guy. Forcing Anduin to be gay when there’s been no buildup falls under this forced diversity and is the worst form of writing. If Anduin is made gay I can’t possibly relate to that character because he doesn’t have any of the same issues ive had to deal with. It would just be labeling him as gay and I cannot imagine how anyone who is LGBTQ+ finds that intriguing or interesting at all. If anything I find people I know are offended more often than not by this.


I didn’t say I was, not 100% sure about the OP, having said that I am pretty sure plenty of LGBT+ people are quite fine with non-macho guys. Hell, the popularity of Steven Universe, Kipo, Infinity Train can attest to that.

For someone who supposedly think you have the pulse of the entire gay community you seem so out of touch as to think being effeminate is suppose to be an insult. No being a more macho guy(like say Shaw) is not an insult either, but I would like to think/hope the gay community becomes more accepting of everyone of every shape, size and color, not less.

Nor was he/ever has.

This is idiotic. Anduin is a guy who literally ran straight into the jungle. Was killing snakes with a knife and was willing to stand up to bullies who only know the language of power.
Also Anduin was willing to charge right into the heart of Lordearon, regardless of the fact he knew it was a trap because he thought it would end the war. Anduin has never been shy to take to the field.

Varian said it best, “Anduin might surprise you. Even lovers of peace despise cowards.” Really, that is all Garrosh ever was, a bully and a coward trying to live up to a false memory of his dad.

I’d also point out Blizzard has people like Soldier 76 and Shaw cover the whole macho angle.

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Stop pushing your bs


That’s good. That’s a good thing.

“Macho daddy,” is rarely ever truly strong. Often physically strong with anger issues, self control issues, or a sort of expansionist/it’s all mine sort of issue. I’d rather someone with real strength.

(Strong men can be strong, I’m not arguing about physical appearance here, and someone who’s muscular is not inherently “macho daddy.”)

No hell no