Let Anduin be homosexual

I wouldn’t call Justin Bieber look alike conventionally attractive …

/sigh Why does every thing have to be about private parts. Congrats, you figured out how to play with yourself. You play with yourself thinking about males or females. woo-hoo congratulations. If you want a porno story go to a different site.

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Let him be? How do you know he wants to be?

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Wokeness is not real.

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Magic doesn’t fix everything, and it’s stated by a Dark Ranger in Trueshot Lodge that undead can’t… engage… that way.

The fact that the thread got so many backlashes should prove enough that some people won’t let Anduin be LGBT, which is a problem.

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Why … should everyone support that Anduin be a homosexual ?

I am ok with it only if he ends up with sylvanas and blizzard reveals shes trans. I want him with no one else except Sylvanas,
also. Wouldn’t it boost the LGBT community more if Anduin was gay and ended up with sylvanas and shes Trans? win win for everyone.

Anduin is evil now so blizz could bring back Arthas and make them a couple


I could see blizz making Tyrande Malfurion and Illidan a throuple based off community feedback

yep and that kinda thinking is why toxic masculinity plagues the world because if you are a good soft kind person like anduin ppl will assume you must be gay which is not right either, cant people be whatever no matter the personality?!?! nowadays ur labeled whatever jsut for being yourself

TBH the Jailer should be turned gay by the end of the xpac because thats true power hes the manliest man and strongest lore character we met so far, kinda want a gay mega villian like the one james bond one? golden eye?

Boe Jiden, let’s be real here. If I told you tomorrow you were attracted to this and only this would you have a problem?

I know myself, and others from the community have told you over and over we have no issues with a new leader being LGBTQ, we have a problem with changing what is.

But let’s be real here, your name gives you away, you post like one of the Ts, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it probably came from under the bridge.

and kul tiran females “shadows rising” he like shtem thick thick and short thick and big and also futa goat women

Im not saying everyone should support Anduin being homosexual, but let’s not pretend that if people were asking for Anduin - Tess or Anduin - Taelia pairing, the backlash would be as big, even though it’s been written that Anduin don’t like both of them.

until he marries a gnome n becomes r kelly of azeroth singing fly like an eagle

she wasnt human she was kul’tiran the book says

velan they r both priests makes sense

A month late into this thread, but came to say yes that’s one of his option next to dwarves and also worgen. That’s because of what he’s been exposed to which you can thank Velen, Greymane and Magni.

he cant help it :policeman:

ikr going around harassing LGBT women and tresspassing, he should be thrown in jail