Let Anduin be homosexual

or you can make your own or like i said petition blizzard to make a new one. but considering your name im gonna assume your a troll

again, people just probably want him bi because…
young, and blonde

What exactly does “make him gay” mean? Has he not just been himself the whole time? can the gays not accept people for who they are?


Let him be as fe fi fo fum

I laughed so hard at this lmao.

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sounds creepy when its put that way.

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And there it is. “Being bisexual would enrich his character”. Please stop talking. Now it’s obvious that you don’t care about the actual story, but only about a character’s sexuality.

These kinds of suggestions belong in TV shows, not in video games. Get out of here.


Anduin has good taste in women that draenei waggle can’t be beat


you are an idiot

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definitely is.

Sylvanas lost the ability to carry a child when Arthas made her into a banshee.

to be fair, most corpses cant.

yikes, so your saying kind gentle males cannot be straight?

he can be whatever but the reason for toxic masculinity existing is exactly this reason, as if no kind soft spoken male can be straight and has to be identified as gay.

at the same time agree since even in the books he lusts after kul’tiran and draenei women, the game has not seen that hes into anyone except maybe talia. I think he should end up with velan.


I’ma stop you right there…

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Half Human, Half Elf, All Undead… and the child will be named…

Legolas. But tiny Legolas will not last long on Azeroth. His death will come soon… what will happen is The High Priest from Stormwind will, in error, attempt to mimic how The Horde present a new child. From a place of elevation so that all can see the new child. And will accidently drop the child and plunge The Horde and the Alliance into never ending conflict once again.


She wasn’t given a hysterectomy.
All the equipment is still there.

I’m pretty sure the magical corpse that hops between worlds and realms of existence like nothing would let a little thing like not having a pulse stand in the way of her burning passion for everything Anduin. Magic fixes everything and ain’t nothing more magical than looove.

I just really like how there is one conventional attractive male in game and by default that means he should be claimed as gay

How about you pick one of the stock standard weird looking human characters to be gay or like Baine or something

At least if Baine was gay it would explain why he’s lusting after Anduin as hard as the OP is

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We’re at the point where people are caring about sexual preferences of video game characters. Boy, what has the world come to.


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Because American culture is obsessed with wokeness the last 3-4 years .