Let Anduin be homosexual

You are being disengenuous again.

No going to bother to prove your own point I see, so why are you here? This is a discussion and you don’t want to have one. You have lied over and over claiming this is a huge issue where it isn’t.

Another lie, I’d wager 3/4 of the posters here don’t have twitter. So do tell me since some players choose not to use twitter that their opinions don’t count?

How about the countless members in your community in this thread against it? They have no rights either?

You are doing your community a disservice. I actually think you should rethink half your posts, since you like claiming massive numbers where there are none, I assume you are terrible at math. Also, how is to be at war constantly with your own community? There is yet to be a thread of this nature where people who are a part get told to stop talking because you don’t like their opinion.

Fan fiction is fan fiction there is no Wrathion love story other than in the minds of those who think it. If my dreams came to paper wow, let’s not go there, but I am sure you get the idea, or you don’t and will keep shouting complete lies.

I don’t think you know this, but Wranduin fanbase is huge outside of this forum.

People who support something that doesn’t exist!

You get that right?

Anduin punched Wrathion for a reason. A good one at that. If you want to know the reason read War Crimes. Anduin is not happy with Wrathion at all.


What exactly are you trying to say here? yes it doesn’t exists canonically yet, you always built a strawman out of my post, im addressing a person saying Wranduin fans is small based on this forum.

Huge as in what? Dozens, hundreds? Barely a dent in the entire population. Why should the story be altered based on a tiny fraction of the player base’s ridiculous fan fictions, made by people who have nothing better to do?


It’s actually in the thousands, which is huge enough to warrant attention.

“How can one build a strawman from that which does not exist?”

Alakhai 2021

That’s my answer to you, it doesn’t exist, yet you want it to be because so people wrote their own stories you preferred that have nothing to do with the real story.

You need to do a lot of mental gymnastics to get here.


Bro stop throwing the word “huge” around, it isn’t huge. You want it to be huge, so you try to make it sound like it is.

I personally believe feedback based on gameplay should warrant more attention than people just wanting to make characters gay, for the sake of being gay. And I’m sure the majority of players feel the same way. And you’d have to be really disconnected to think otherwise.

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Im not going to reply to you anymore Alakhai, you twisted my word, i never disagree that Wranduin doesn’t exists in canon yet, which is exactly why this request exists.

This is the last one, you’re blocked.



You started your responses against making Anduin gay, then when someone shows up with arguments why it would be, lorewise, problematic?

Suddenly you change your tune.


  • Are you crazy?
  • Are you a troll?
  • Or, perhaps, are you just contrary to opinions because you like arguing?

Oh look another fan fiction fan lies! Though you were done with me and fighting for what oh yeah orphans, and more back story to gay people being parents.

Yeah, I see why you two get along!

Just so we’re clear, this was an argument you made in this thread. You said this. Yet you’re here suddenly… what? On the other side?

All I did was provide logical arguments for why Anduin might be discouraged from a homosexual relationship for logistical reasons that have nothing to do with homophobia.

So what’s your angle here?

It sounds contrarian.

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Since it’s hard for you to complete a thought in one post. I guess I’ll entertain the madness again.

Never once have I been against gay characters. I don’t want people change to please the vocal minority.

If you got anything other than that out of my posts, I will tell you I have no place in your fan fiction. I actually marched for Gay rights and I find you and the rest of this “woke” crowd nauseating.

No you didn’t. You created an issue where there was none. Like just now with my reply.

You know it would solve so many of your issues if you just asked, but not you, you keep assuming you know what’s going on in everyone else’s head. That’s silly.

And here I am thinking about how Anduin had interests in dwarven and dranei lades be the more interesting route because they already mentioned his preferences in the books.

Literal inter species marriage would be new as far as wow writing works and could be a very interesting story.


So then you agree with me. Anduin should not be made gay on fictional arguments like “he could have babies with a man” despite having no evidence for that claim. Anduin is not gay, he’s been clearly shown to be into women.

I raised an issue based on historic data, which WoW tends to follow middle-history, and followed through a logical issue. Anduin can’t have a baby with a male in a biological sense, and adoption has often been treated as an issue.

You just ran with it and started screaming that I was… I don’t even know, lying? Making stuff up? None of what I said was made up, I said that we can infer based on similar settings.

So far you’re the only one who’s started to question basic logic, such as saying:

When my statement was that they can not, together, have a baby that would be a blood heir of both. If you somehow misinterpreted this, it’s more a you thing than a me thing. It’s clear that I’m saying that without adoption they can’t have a child together. Otherwise it’s surrogacy, but that raises all sorts of issues for inheritance.

Maybe you could stop pretending I’m making stuff up, and realize that I’m using the data we have to argue with.

Edit: This is the very reason that I suggested that you’re coming up with your own arguments without providing evidence. Please stop trying to argue validation, because validation is external and requires the other person validate you. I’m talking about sourcing your argument, which is not the same thing at all.

To be clear this is how it went from my eyes:

  • Me: Men can’t make babies with other men without some kind of intervention, so it’s discouraged by monarchies because a blood heir is best.
  • You: Well why do you assume they can’t get pregnant together!?!?
  • Me: Because… they’re men? That’s just how biology tends to work, and we have no evidence it works otherwise.
  • You: Well where’s your evidence?
  • Me: I don’t… need evidence? You need evidence to prove it works differently than what’s presented to us.
  • You: Your crazy fiction is ridiculous.

instead of changing established character why not make your own or make a petition to have a new one made? i dont understand all this “this character must be X, Y, or Z or your a bigot!!!”


And this is why The Horde wins… the only Blood Heir issues we have is… how much blood is shed during the change of leadership…

The Horde has spent the last 16 years losing every war that’s ever occurred between us.

Not sure that’s a selling point.

But yet… the Alliance players spent 16 years complaining about how Blizzard favors The Horde… interesting.