Let Anduin be homosexual

A portion. Get a grip you work in absolutes, which is absolutely wrong.

Why not consider those against it at all? Other than to further a false narrative…

But that’s what you do! You claim we all wanted it, I checked the twitter did you? I saw the same few names over and over and plenty from the community saying they were against it.

They don’t count either?

I never said all of them wanted it? im just saying the Wranduin fanbase is huge that she has to address it, and as LGBT myself i would appreciate the main protagonist to be one of us.

Sure you did

Address a fan fiction fanbase? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I am so happy again they don’t read this forum. Fan fiction has no place here.

Im correcting the person impying Golden is behind all of this, of course nothing will ever be 100% accepted by everyone, i thought that was obvious.

I still Say Thrall is the best candidate, Coming out of the closet story.

Yet you are still pushing for him to change his orientation. Why?

I’d be cool if they made a new leader gay, but changing cannon to placate a vocal minority is a fast way to turmoil. Blizzard learned their lesson with the outcry from the overwatch community when they pulled this. But I get it, if you are happy that’s all that counts right?

Please push for a new one I’d be behind you 100%, this though is just so wrong on so many levels.


A couple dozen people obsessed with fan faction and seeking attention isn’t “the community”.

I don’t think you know what huge means. And if Blizzard doesn’t want to make an LGBT main character, then the only people affected, will be a couple of annoying forum posters, who care more about a person’s sexuality, than the actual story.


Alot of WOW new story is actually comes from a fan request, Illidan for example, back in LK people would laugh and respond with “he’s dead” lol, but the demands for his comeback is huge and look at Legion, everyone loves him now.

As many people already implied here, making him bi also would be fine and wouldn’t alter his already established character.

Its not sudden. Im just not a fan of how she marysues her chosen characters.

Im sure you’re talking about Sylvanas? she’s a raidboss in 9.1, by definition she is not Mary Sue.

One strike does not undo her mary sueness.

But please dont distract from the actual discussion. If we are to get an LGBT hero, i want them to be a new character, someone who is worthy.

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Not that many, look back and count the repeat posters.

And no, he doesn’t get enslaved and like guys after, you do get what that whole narrative implies? How sick and twisted is that? I have seen this used so many times and I will say it again, deprogramming camps are wrong, and what you are likening Anduin’s enslavement to is just that.

Just because people say things, doesn’t make them true/cannon whatever. I think you’d know better after seeing what’s going on outside right now.

So again, new toon I am all for, your fanfiction of our boy coming out different is so not cool, it’s wrong, do better. Fight for new characters.


Ok then i agree that Sylvanas is Mary Sue.

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I don’t think it’s fair that you are allowed to say the one that is for Wrathion and Anduin is not that many but we’re not allowed to say the one that is against it is not many either.

I mean, Wrathion is a dragon, which might be irresistable to humans, how would we know?

I still say make it Garrosh and Thrall, and their falling out be why the Horde got messed up in WOD.


I agree Thrall is the key!

No, but we are allowed to say that the amount of people, who don’t give two craps about it and don’t constantly think about character’s sexuality, represents the vast majority of the playerbase.

How do you know this?

Because the forum represents a tiny portion of the player base? Because it’s always the same 10 people spamming the forums with these annoying attention seeking threads? You think the players care more about whether or not a main character is gay, than actual gameplay?