Let Anduin be homosexual

It’s a game get a life


Yeah you are a blast, take it to twitter, your kind thrive there.

Are you afraid of offending the religious community by forcing a priest to be homosexual?

I play this game to escape life for a small moment (as well as the stupidities, entitlements, karens, sjws, et cetera). The LBGTQ (rest of the alphabet) has your deer and other subtle hints through out the game. Blizzard/Craptivision is under no obligation to represented in any way. In my opinion, the more you push for this, the more it becomes devalued. Take your worthless and stupid ideas to a RP server and pretend. No one (Literally no one) cares about your sexual preference or anything else.

Oh God, why did you bring this up again? We are all complaining about TBC right now and other actual WoW related things for once. The horse demands peace y’all.

Why are you trying to force this on Anduin? Is this some half hearted approach to end the line of kings?


Shipping is a mistake . . .

Lets make Anduin Straight.

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Lets make Garrosh gay. Post Mortem, like dumbledore. Lets open up portals to the past and see him with a harem of blood elf guys!


We could make Thrall gay, a closet thing.

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Garrosh is dead and will be irrelevant in the next expansion, if the intent is to make 1 relevant character gay, Anduin is the perfect one since not only he’s a king, he’s also the leader of the Alliance, he’s pretty much the main protagonist of this game.

LGBT people need an iconic leader, Anduin is the perfect person for that.

Ooooo Garrosh and Thrall, and the real reason they didnt get along was they were ex lovers!!


He really isnt. I dont want my LGBT hero to be a little childboy.


It isn’t always about you, the request from the LGBT community to Golden is huge that she pretty much has to address it in her twitter.

Alot of people will be happy with this decision.

Also they should also use a non white, non human character to represent, put some diversity into the mix . We need more gay horde in the game.


Keep Golden as far as f away from anything that might represent me, thank you.

Besides, Anduin is canonically straight, or bi. He loves the draenei tail wag.

God please no. Ugh

No, now shut up alphabets.

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It’s the community that asked Golden to make Anduin gay, not the other way around.

What’s with the sudden hatred with Golden? You know she’s the official writer for Warcraft right?

Kind of a shame They don’t have more Gay representation in the horde since so many people play horde.