Let Anduin be homosexual

You’re going to bump a thread just to delete your post? Classic GD.

No he isn’t. He is confirmed straight.


Uh…no? That’s just…not true?
He likes girls, sure.
Doesn’t mean he’s straight. :no_mouth:
I like guys!
But I’m sure as heck not straight. :joy:

We don’t know his preferences, because the goshdarn guy hasn’t had a time to explore them. It’s just been crapshow after crapshow ever since Wrath.

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We do though, the author has made it clear. I have no problem with representation in the game, but your yarns about him needing healing etc. have no basis in fact. It’s rather bothersome to me that you keep pushing a narrative that his time in captivity made him change his preference. It can be likened to those camps they send kids to to change their orientation.

Add a new character fine, don’t change cannon.


If a character is noted as pursuing several different relationships that all fit a theme, without any indication of breaking from that, pretty safe to say they aren’t holding a “He’s Bi” trap card to be activated at a time of convenience.

I’m more than happy to see the spotlight focus an LGBT character, a specific ethnic story, or any combination. The only thing I dislike is calls for a company to “PUHLEEEAAZE make so-and-so X.” There is no reason to do that. Just introduce a NEW character that has those traits and make them important to the story.


I…:grimacing: Goodness I bet you’re fun at parties.

It wouldn’t be out of the blue - and if it’s put in the way I hoped for, it wouldn’t be unreasonable either.
Anduin’s bi. That’s probably true.


I am actually not fun at parties, I usually try to go hang out with the cat or maybe get in on beer pong if I think I can win.

You…what the hell?

What the actual frick are you talking about?

I was saying that his time in captivity is gonna stain his optimism hun, NOT TURN HIM GAY.

Where in the absolute heck did you get the whole -

“ah yes they’re saying that Anduin’s time in the maw turns him gay, despite the fact that the whole bi thing was put aside for like a paragraph where they talked about how Anduin just needs someone to take care of him BECAUSE of his time in the maw, but naw its just like the conversion camps turn kids straight! They’re the homophobe!”

Like…what a bloody leap

He was already bi when he walked in. :roll_eyes:

Jeez reading comprehension really does go down with age…

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Ok how about introducing AU Anduin and his husband Wrathion Wrynn?
That would solve the issues of both camps I think.

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My issue is why change a character for the sake of appealing to a community.

Why not have the inclination or want to have a new character rather than having to change one?

IIRC there is a rumor flitting about that Anduin and Taelia are going to get together.

They’ve done this to Zekhan and Denathrius, why stop now when it’s Anduin?

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i have an entire portfolio of anduin rule 34 slashfic stuff so im good with my headcanon… ik whats up…

to all those who make said rule 34 art… ahem…


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And let Chibisue watch!

Fujos unite!

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Gaaaaaah why is this thread still going?!?!? What vile necromancy brought this back from the forum graveyard?!?! Let this die and leave Anduin alone he’s suffering enough without forced shipping!

And I know posting this is keeping it alivelongeryoudon’thavetopointitoutgaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!
starts shooting individual letters at random

If they do make him that way, then he can’t be holy anymore.

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That’s a fine trade.

young, pretty male is kind to another young, pretty male

“this is proof of sexual tension”

young, pretty male stabs another young, pretty male in the face

“this is proof of sexual tension”


Yeah let’s ask this fictional character what he wants guys, geez.

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I did ask him. He said he wants to kiss other pretty boys and let me watch from the shadow while stealthed.

DON’T ASK HIM THOUGH! He’ll pretend he never told me that.