Let Anduin be homosexual

never cool to out someone

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Eh I still say as that relation only happened in a book that was written like terrible fan fiction its pander material thrown out at shallow diversity with little substance or impact it feels forced and only happens in a book. Meh is meh blizz is bad at gay relations in my opinion and the author has
questionable moral standings.

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I think it will be kinda dumb but I would love to see the homophobes freak out. So sure make Anduin be into dudes, or swing &$#& both ways

Either way, watching homophobes melt down is always enjoyable

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No he like female gnomes and blood elves.

I think it’s time for threads like this to end. You really are never satisfied, and you do not speak for the community.


I thought he was already :man_shrugging:

hall no

Dont make a character gay for no reason/for the sake of being gay. They did that in overwatch and that was bloddy annoying (talking about solly 47, not tracer)

I agree. So why did you necro it after it died nine days ago?


Male friendships are super undervalued, anyway. If two guys are alone in a scene and aren’t trying to murder each other (or even when they are, sometimes), immediately they are gay. They’re expected to be bitter rivals, or gay. Never just guys having guy friends. It’s just as important as girls having girl time, that’s why I tell my bf to go have his bro time, just call me if he’s gonna be later than we talked :woman_shrugging:

They had so many cool females they could have featured, but they crammed in their virtue signal by instead taking a male character and turning him female. The funny part here is that, instead of taking an original strong interesting female (What did River Song get up to?! I’d have watched THE HECK out of that!) they recycled a male role for a female. For those that are serious about wanting representation, it feels kind of lousy. “Yeah we have these female characters, but they’re not good enough. We’ll take a man’s role, and you can have that!”


They do the same thing even when not directly sex-changing the character. Their idea of a “strong female character” seems to be simply packing as many masculine 80s-action-hero traits into the character as possible and calling it good. “She can walk into a room with ten guys and wipe them out, what more do you want? Girl power!”

It was cheesy fun in the 80s but hardly believable. Pretty sure they could do better if they didn’t out themselves as sexist by assuming stereotypically masculine traits to be superior.

Can people please stop bumping up this thread? Just let it die.

Well you’re bumping it a bit by saying not to bump.

And now I’m bumping it by saying you are bumping it by saying not to bump.

No, I didn’t. My comment is literally a minute after Ronarli.

Well by definition you were still bumping it, even if by only one spot higher.

Why not both? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: We can make a story love

Or at least bi! Getting some bi rep in there would be nice too. :relaxed:

I’ll be honest though, I think it might take a while for anyone to even get close to him at this point. Can you imagine what this current experience is doing to him?

Anduin has always placed his faith in the goodness of others - even sylvanas. Even at his most jaded, he always tried to appeal to people’s morality, and would never willingly come to blows with someone.

The ONE time he did, he had to have an Old god in his head and the context of his father’s death. :frowning: The kid’s got the constitution of a god.

And…for the first time, he doesn’t have anyone to give him hope.
There’s no Velen, to remind him that hope springs eternal. There’s no Genn, to gently remind him that, although the world has its rough edges, there’s soft ones too.
There’s just darkness, and pain.

Even if we save Anduin, he’s going to be…broken, in some way. He’s going to be hurt in ways we can’t see, in ways Genn and Velen will have issues reconciling. Both of them have always externalized their battles - Genn through his hunt of the forsaken, Velen through his campaign against the legion.

But Anduin’s war has always been on war itself - and in this moment, when it has mattered most, he has been shown that his world is not possible. Good will not always triumph over evil - and there are many who cannot be saved - not because you didn’t try hard enough, but because they never wanted it.

Whoever it is is going to not just be a passing glance kind of person. Not someone who’s a chance meeting. Whether it’s Taelia, Wrathion, or whoever - they have to be someone who can show Anduin that despite what the world throws at you, there is always room for compassion. There is always room for kindness.

I want him to be with someone who makes him happy - and someone who understands him. And…frankly I’m not seeing that in any of the characters right now. He’s an outlier in a world of warfare.

But also I agree, if it’s gonna be somebody, PLEASE LET THIS BE A MAINSTREAM QUEER RELATIONSHIP


When you are concerned about the sexual proclivities of fantasy cartoon characters…you have some serious problems that you should probably seek therapy for.


Hey all! Just coming in to write in this thread that I am sure if full of totally normal and cool comments!

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Boy, this is still going eh?

Poor Anduin is busy dying and this is what we’re talking about

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