Let Anduin be homosexual

It’d be stereotypical to make the “emotional and peaceful” character gay, for one. It would be a terrible means to make representation dynamic if all the gay characters in the game are the ones with more feminine-attributed characteristics. Anduin would also have to harbor the fact as king, he is socially expected to have an heir. while being gay shouldn’t stop him from adopting, monarchies typically don’t have adopted children as heirs.


That’s more of a reason for Anduin to be gay, to fight monarchy.

Why though.


Many fan wants Anduin to be gay, maybe we just like it ?

But why though.


Thought Anduin liked dwarven and/or dranei women?

Edit : pretty sure it’s in the books

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Well, ignoring the fact that he’s never shown interest in any male character be it sexual or romantic, he’s be shown in the books to like dwarf and draenei WOMEN.

And before you or anyone goes “he obviously has the hots for Wrathion!” No he doesn’t! Just because someone is friendly towards someone else does not mean they want to fornicate with them like wild beasts in season, there IS a difference.


Hey there, wanna have a nice chat and become the topic of lonely people’s fantasy relationships!?


Sure! Let me just get my thesaurus and use as many big looking words as I can without knowing what they mean because big words = good fanfictiMEANSTORY!

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genn is very old compared to anduin

I don’t even think he was that friendly to wrathion in the first place

Idk let Anduin decide when he’s ready

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This is stupid, Shaw and Flynn doesn’t show such thing as well yet you’re fine with them but suddenly it’s a problem when it’s happening to Anduin.

truth be told the Shaw and Flynn one felt a little outta nowhere to me and I can’t say its my favorite pairing in fiction, but that still doesn’t justify the above quest of why is Anduin the perfect LGBT dude, and at this point if they for some reason go for it it would be the single worst case of PANDERING I’ve seen in years.


The Shawn/Flynn pairing was very badly written and done.

An example of LGBT representation done well would be the zandalari female couple in BFA and the Nightwarrior pair in Shadowlands.

It’s organic, it’s part of the characters but not their only defining feature.

Shawn/Flynn was bad fanfiction. It was crammed in to that awful book ‘Shadows Rising’, a book filled with anachronisms, more adjectives than I could shake a stick at and structured in a way that would have left it at the bottom of any decent publishers slush pile.

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It’s a problem when it happens to any character that has been established otherwise.

Doing that kind of thing to an established character is in my own eyes and the eyes of many as pandering.

It’d be the same thing that happens when any franchise changes a character for 1 specific trait - never ends well. See Ghostbusters 2016. See Female Dr. Who. See Batwoman.

Want a character who is of a specific persuasion? Cool - make your damn own.


how about no, and you don’t go forcing your ideologue on everything. you people wonder why others get so frustrated with you, it’s because of this. push your fanfic on like-minded people elsewhere and do not subject everyone else to your tastes. didn’t your parents ever teach you this?

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Why…why you do dat? Stop trying to make established characters your propaganda poster child…you got Flin and Shaw.

Stop being a greedy Gary.

thought we decided it was their decision

You mean he’s not already?

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