Let Alliance play Shamans?

I’d like to lava global some fools too :frowning:


The only reason alliance doesn’t have shaman and horde doesn’t have paladins is because blizzard is too lazy to implement it.

Full stop.


Billion dollar company stated earlier in SoD development that this is ‘not possible’ aka takes too much effort and we wont see direct profit so lets not do it. They also said having different combinations such as Troll Druid were too much effort. This dev team is trying the bare minimum to get away with some subs, copy paste retail abilities, call them runes and call it a day.


You’re only looking at the up side.
The downside is all your heals require a cast time so therefore you won’t be able to heal yourself in PVP.

sounds like you should be be leveling on horde side as a shaman. there will be 100% xp buff so you can try this out.

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Go play retail.


Then reroll the correct faction.


maelstrom weapon says hello

Well well well how the turns have tabled

Paladins are equally of a nuisance as shamans are. I like this class divide in vanilla. I wouldn’t care if they added it either. But they already stated this will never be a thing in SoD

You’re a priest. You are the most powerful class in sod .

Troll more

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Never crossed your mind that classic isnt built for cross faction Shammy and Paladin?

Just went straight to calling a 5 man Dev team lazy. Smh.

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Please no, I dont want paladins on horde side. I want to be special… =)

These responses are so ridiculous. WHY do people insist on locking classes behind factions? This isn’t vanilla wow. SOD is an entirely differnet thing. Are people forgetting Alliance got shamans and Horde got paladins in TBC?? The literal first expansion to WoW? Why are purists so cringe man. SoD Is supposed to be experimental and fun. Playing a PVP server you can’t even make a horde character to try it out you’d have to swap servers or use a different account. It’s so annoying.


Brother, this isn’t “CLASSIC”. This is completely different LMAO. Just because they are using the base Vanilla game style does NOT mean it’s anything like classic. Huge balance changes, quest lines, new raids, level caps, RUNES, GEAR CHANGES. Come on man. Why are you people so intent on anti fun?


SoD 100% should have had Dwarf Shaman and Tauren Paladin.


lmao yes it is

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No, thank you.

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Yes it does. The amount of programming, design, and art it would take to get Shaman and Pally for both factions is beyond a seasonal server, I’d wager. Its also against the flavor of Classic!

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I think undead paladin makes more sense. Like they used to be humans at one point