Can we expand this so that I can completely opt-out of scaling?
I like one-shotting everything.
Can we expand this so that I can completely opt-out of scaling?
I like one-shotting everything.
The game already has this in the Party Sync feature. If you group with someone level appropriate for older content, you can sync yourself to that content’s level cap and play with them.
Chromie time is essentially a solo version of that, but it kicks you out at 50. The game needs a way to opt back into it.
If they’re so adamant about forcing me to level in the Shadowlands (IDK why) then give me a feature to jump back in at 60 and scale myself back down to wrap up stories while feeling like I’m playing them at an appropriate level, without depending on another player to enjoy the content.
Should be an easy enough implementation, since it’s already there anyway.
funny thing is, i bet if this dude was given the option to one shot vs get his you know what handed to him, he’ll choose to one shot, so this thread is pointless if blizz is forcing players to engage in new content only and to skip everything old
scale hogger to be a 80 man world boss
bro i literally just wanna scale down to the same level as the content I’m doing, no gimmicks.
I’ve heard the suramar questline is amazing but the thought of running up on it just spamming fan of knives is a giant turn off.
I understand the fear though, I could totally see blizz pulling something like “IF YOU DO EVERY QUESTLINE IN PANDARIA, ON MYTHIC DIFFICULTY, YOU GET A JADE SERPENT WITH A MACHINE GUN.”
I don’t want that though, we don’t need rewards just give me a toggle to scale down lol.
No thanks. Scaling ruins the game.
Timewalking should be a thing you can opt in at any time in order to do old content as much as you want. The holiday stuff could just be the tokens and badges you get otherwise.
yeah. a few of us have asked for Chromie time to be able to be used up thru max level so you can choose to run old content AT LEVEL with your main if you want to go back.
Blizzard is stupid for not just doing it with the lack of content they have. Some players dont WANT to roll a new character…they want to go do the old stuff on THE character they play at level.
since we can cheat around it with party sync, theres literally ZERO VALID reason not to just enable CT for ALL character levels.
right…so dont use chromie time. Its optional.
Dont expect some of them to not show up in every thread on a topic that has NO bearing on their game whatsoever and still run down suggestions as if they ARE somehow affected. LMAO.
We can cheat around the idiot restriction by syncing up to a lowbie anyway…and it literally causes ZERO problems…so just let us use CT at 50 and above since that is the case.
This is just another disgusting symptom of blizzards control problems.
Except old raids.
I wanna be able to faceroll a few of those for transmog items.
But all non-elite mobs should scale to 60.
Let’s face reality Blizzard can’t scale worth .
No, even though you said it should be an option, they would make it mandatory.
They need to just make it like ESO. Let lowbie characters into new content. Its just harder for them to get thru
Then I approve, because I already hate scaled world mobs
Trashtastic trash design of trashatude
I actually like this as well. I think the main issue is that ESO keeps you on a progression ladder via the champion system, while WoW introduces wonky borrowed power system that changes every 2-3 years.
Chromie time is fine, They just need to add level 50-60. Rest of the game should remains as it is.
We don’t need a 3rd scaling system.
What people (including the OP) are missing is that devs don’t believe in options. It’s all or nothing.
There is only one right way to play the game. Players given options can choose to play the game wrong. They will continue to remove options until none are left and everyone plays exactly the same. Everyone who is still playing, that is.