If it had Cata dungeon’s Call to Arms structure where it gave extra rewards to the least represented role, it would probably attract more healers and tanks.
Rather not really and how blizzard has approached some of the issues in SoD for not being up to the classic spirit/feel I don’t think we’ll see one either.
The two I’d say are it finds the group for you and you teleport there. Which boils down to it is convenient.
The biggest one for me is It drastically changes how people interact with other players. Some of the mistakes I’ve made or seen other players do while in Era/SoD/ETC would be near instant kicks in retail.
At least the way it does in retail, it doesn’t run into the lockout for running too many instances (or at least I never hit it in retail) which allows for near constant running. Though I’ll admit this is more of a problem for retail than it would probably be here.
Despite the problem being with out LFG as well it choke holds players waiting for tanks/healers. Like I said, it does happen with out LFG but maybe my friends/guilds are different players but many of a time we’ve gone in with out a tank/healer for 5mans but take a little slower.
It puts a hard restriction on levels and if you’ve been playing classic or played classic you know that it doesn’t have to be that way. Healers can often get into groups being a level or a few levels lower than what should go in for dps/tanks.
The system they use for M+ I think would work. You have the ability to list a group. Everything else is the same. Have fill the group yourself but don’t have to constantly keep looking for people or head to a city. Then once the group is made you have to make your way there.
Though even this I’d say not until it is clear the novelty for some people has died out. It really isn’t all that difficult to find a group.
An actual dungeon finder would be fine. Essentially the LFG Bulletin Board mod but made by Blizzard, so that you could list a dungeon group that you were running, or list that you were interested in joining a group. (I believe this exists in retail?)
I really do not want to see a WOTLK-style one, where you queue and are automatically inserted into a group and teleported to the dungeon. I don’t think that belongs in classic.
No, it’s the weight of having to choose if you’re going to attempt to talk through a problem you’re having w a pug to progress more smoothly since you can’t just queue up for another if you kick them.
It’s having to not be a jerk in every group you get into if you want to stay.
It does something different when you have to, to some extend, treat people like people.
That is hilarious. That is literally exactly what I say. And I typically get invited. Those two words get me a group faster than RDF ever does in wrath.
I say “I’ll go” and “GGS everyone” and that is about it. I am such a tool. Lol
Since they indicated with their announcement of the GDKP ban that they believe traditional guild and social structures are an integral part of the experience they want to provide with SOD, it would make zero sense to implement a dungeon finder at any phase.
I think it defeats the purpose of classic content. The convenience is great for sure, but just today I did rfk on my alt and there were people who didn’t know where it was so we helped them. They commented how they were from retail and never got to see the old world like this and certainly never chatted as much in party. I think the biggest thing about sod is making the world feel alive. Convenience is great but when it destroys world experiences it sucks.
I’m mostly indifferent, leaning toward no. My only ask is that if implemented, I think it might be good to keep it limited to your server instead of grouping with anyone across servers (at least to test how it goes, first).
Easier grouping, instant travel to the dungeon and back to where you were questing once complete, the ability to quest while in Q. Assuming all is the same as wrath / retail versions.
If you end up grouping with a player from another server, ninja looting and other behaviors may be more prone to occur as they feel they’re unlikely to deal with the consequences like if they did it to their own server. Also, RDF can lead to the world feeling empty as people decide to just Q in a major city and afk till it pops (not something I personally care about as it makes questing and farming much easier for me, but I know many don’t like this).
One other issue is a lack of incentive for players to stick with the group the full way through. Loot doesn’t drop or is won by someone else? One or more group members not optimal or sweaty enough? Player leaves and queues up again. Yes, this can be somewhat prevented by implementing a punishment such as a debuff preventing players from Q’ing, but those punishments can end up abused.
Apply debuff for leaving early; player just sticks around / afk’s at entrance until they get kicked or the minimum time / boss requirement is up
Apply debuff for getting kicked to prevent the above; toxic players vote kick people they don’t like, non-meta classes, or just because they enjoy it, resulting in unwarranted punishments (I’m not saying these are necessarily common occurrences, but this is something I feel 1 time is too many).
Almost any solution is going to likely result in some sort of outcry, toxic behavior, or gatekeeping; though we see that even without. Personally, I think I’d be fine with just a raid / dungeon LFG tool similar to what was initially used in Wrath, with measures in place to prevent misuse such as “WTS” group listings. Basically, be able to list yourself as wanting to do a dungeon / raid with the role(s) you’re willing to do, or have your group listed to look for more.