Yeah they pick the comp they play pick the players that’s why they can
Besides comp, you’d be matched with players & vsing players at your mmr.
It’s a non-issue.
It’s no different than getting a tank or an aug in RSS; just go next if you get a troll comp or try to make due your teammates are around your mmr so they have to perform at your level or better.
BGs should offer 50 or 100 conquest a win every time. More people that can gear in BGs the more people will venture into arena or just stay in BGs.
I agree, should also count as unranked towards vault.
M+, LFR, Normal, Heroic PvE gear should also scale up to 476 (LFR/Normal tiers disabled so people aren’t forced to PvE for set bonuses in beginning of season).
It’s actually gross how I was BiS on my DK minus 2 items week 2 and my PvP character only had 2 conquest items.
This 100%. I don’t use any addons. I’m a broken old geezer. I’d love more integrated addon features that are baked into the standard Blizzard UI. This is low hanging fruit from my perspective for Blizzard.
People don’t realize how Blizzard operates on the abandonware philosophy and would just never update any of their in-game addon replacements in a timely manner. Imagine another xpac like SL where there’s backpedaling boomkins coming out of stealth 45 yards behind you proc’ing full moons that you need to react to in .5 seconds and there’s no addon to help and all you can do is cry into this empty void on the forums about it. Or new spells get added and their flyplates replacement doesn’t properly track them for 8 months. Also look at their horrible answer to arena frames that are just an eyesore. Etc.
Not sure if this helps, but as an avid semi-decent PvEer who made the mistake of dipping his toes into Rated PvP this season, this was my experience:
Thrown to the absolute wolves at Rank 1500. Got absolutely reemed to the stone age for about 24 rounds before the system put me against anyone I felt I had any business being around.
Realized very quickly that because I used my Vault drops on PvE and the conquest cap was ridiculously stingy, I would be miles behind actual PvPers until the time-gated Conquest cap system finally allowed me to catch up - not even withstanding the obvious skillcap between ‘just started PvPing first time this expac on a class I’ve never played before’ me… and the avid PvPers who have been doing this for years.
Learned as well that there’s no point in trying to climb ranking until the end of the season because Blizz just gives everyone CR then - right now Glads are stuck at 1600, trying to get casual rewards at 1800. If Glads are hardstuck, the hell chance do I have?
Realized Rated PvP in WoW is just a complete trashfire, stopped doing it after a couple of days early on. Will revisit 1 month before the season ends, see if I think 1800 is a realistic possibility.
Tbh I’d be content for the rewards to be the vicious mounts without the stupid flagpost or big poles on them.
Like re-release them starting from the first and give me the option to earn it at elite WITHOUT that gigantic flag or pole ruining the mount.
Imagine how stupid glad mounts would look with some gigantic flagpole and faction flag on the back of it.
Like look how silly that thing is. They really need to redo the seasonal mounts and vicious mounts or just have that as the base version and elite gives you an option to have it without and a recolor of it.
Flag one can be participation awards.
I can’t be only one who sees this and feels like they stick out like sore thumbs and ruin mount
Make 2100 give seasonal mount recolor or not. Just without the base version flag crap.
Came across a disc in LFG last night who was “looking for games learning” that had just resubbed from Legion a week or two ago. As we talked during games I became aware of a few things that weren’t real “new player friendly” I reckon:
He was in full honor gear, but sitting on like 2k Conquest from BGs and weekly quests. Seemed kind of paralyzed on how to spend his points, so he just didn’t. He’d inspected other ppl and seen crafted and tier pieces, as well as trophy of strife gear, but had no idea how to obtain that stuff. Didn’t really know what stats to focus on, either. We ran up to 1600 for his tier token, but he would have had no idea how to use that unless I told him to how to unlock Emerald Dream campaign then flew him out to the vendor afterwards. Also flew him out to the catalytic converter, since he had no idea you just turned Conq gear into tier or how / where to do that.
Like, this is all fairly elementary stuff for a person that didn’t just dive right back into the game in the middle of an expansion or patch, but I guess it all seems a little too unnecessarily ambiguous / mysterious / confusing for someone that just resubbed after several xpacs away.
I introduced him to
just so he could see things like the most commonly equipped pieces of gear, stats, enchants etc discs on the ladder use to help him have at least a basic starting point, but it did start to dawn on me that diving in as basically a fresh new player can be totally overwhelming and confusing for no good reason. Especially when it comes to converting tier, getting items crafted, etc. I forgot to ask, but I’m sure he probably doesn’t even know about Vault or that he’ll have access to a free piece of gear or socket token next week either.
The good news is that he said it’s kind of fun learning all this, so maybe he’ll stick around. But I’m sure there have been others who probably just say f-it trying to make heads or tails of it all and just quit or go do pet battles or farm mounts or something. Someone else can introduce him to the wonderful world of add-ons.
Didn’t read all the thread yet, but I’d say bake in bigdebuffs and a dr + kick tracker and the game is infinitely easier for new players.
id say starting every pvp season with max inflation
And buff healer MMR in RSS
These are the kinds of posts blizzard should be reading. The gearing can be overly complicated for players. It’s kind of expected at this point to read a guide to figure out how to gear instead of players doing it for themselves
i’m curious how you think it could be improved
Generic comment about how they don’t have the time to commit to one character/play time due to other things going on their life/video game.
I know this is PvP topic (obv I made the topic) but even for me PvE gearing is a little hectic now upgrading gear is really weird & all these different ranks 1-8 on gear is a little silly tbh.
the ranks are silly but the PvE crowd seems to love it
Get piece, upgrade it to reasonable ilev.
Probably just me, the whole system is confusing because I haven’t bothered with it in forever.
Just need to watch a youtube video to get the concept down.
I wish it was just honor for upgrading gear like last season though lmao Flightstones+Crest system sucks for PvPers trying to get into PvE.