Let’s discuss: PvP Entry Barriers/Wants(Or Needs)

I think WA kinda ‘cheats’ for you.

At the same time, I think the game has entirely too many cds to track now.

Tricky road.


f2p game
no leveling
gear free on vendor

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People complain (rightfully) about add on saturation but wooof to pve. First season doing m+ since legion and it just tells you literally everything in DBM.

“Dispel now”
All w every mechanic shown in bars w near perfect timing


this would have to be yet another bracket to fragment the player base we are already kinda spread thin as it is

Go play a moba if you want that. Literally none of those are gonna happen


No, it would just be a way to q 2s/3s without LFG or friends.

It would tie into 2s/3s bracket.

The main reason people q RSS over 2s/3s is because they either don’t have people to q with or don’t want to sit in LFG.

and here is the number 1 problem you are qing into sum random comp vs RMD or magelock who are in voice

i can hear the whining already WAHHH qing into premade 3s team in discord wahhhh

3s is all about what comp you play

WHOLE reason why they made Solo shuffle its own bracket

The point is to give people options.

sometimes too many options are a bad thing and this is one of them

Dynamic que is how every other PvP game works.

other pvp games dont have wows complexity in PVP how other classes work together CC DRs available MS defensives

I think conquest gains are actually ok.

They just neeed to implement a % based catch up system.

So if you’re missing 3000 conquest, you’ll obtain conquest @ a rate of (purely hypothetical) say 80% bonus, diminishing the closer you get to cap.

That way it scales higher based on how much conquest you’re missing, making it way less tedious to catch up on alts late in the season and reducing FOMO in early weeks.

They need to do this with crests in PvE as well. Being 700 crests behind when you get them at 12 per timed keys is actually tragic.

Additionally, I think crafted gear was a really cool addition to the game. But, like the vault, it’s punishing as it forces you in to commiting to one game mode.

If I craft PvE pieces, I don’t have sparks to craft PvP pieces. Same with vault, I shouldn’t have to choose between PvEing or PvPing for an entire season. I shouldn’t have to have two of the same class so I can play the video game.

They are addressing the vault issue, but i’d like to see them keep crafting in the game, but add PvE and PvP specific sparks. That way you can craft both.

There’s no harm in allowing people to q 2s/3s solo or duo if they choose to do so.

There’s literally no downside.

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just do solo shuffle its what it was made for??

People want to play 3s solo or with a friend or do 3s but don’t want to sit lfg or don’t have a 3rd??

You can’t q duo as solo shuffle.

Literally no downside to it.

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see you say that untill you get qd into a troll comp that’s 100% rng fighting full discord teams while you are no voice that’s the downside fighting a team that’s been playing together for 3-4+ years and you get jimmy the zug zug warrior

how is that no downsides?

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So here’s the thing, if someone plays solo q to say 2k. They are generally going to be better than that 2k rmp team. So what they lose in comp synergy they gain in individual skill. Those players will know how to properly react to rmp and the rmp won’t be able to set up goes as well as players they are normally used to playing against.

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untill the rmp starts counting in discord alright 3…2…1… alright guys GGs we won

What does that even mean? LOL

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People have been lfging gladiator no voice for expansions now.

Most of the issues you’re talking about are like voice is only going to matter at the very top even then you have WAs (as people have complained about in this thread already) to tell you what to do ontop of omnibar, gladius etc.

What’s the difference between vsing this no voice lfg 3s & if it were a solo/duo q match besides maybe comp?

There’s none.

He’s saying voice creates a barrier that is impossible to beat for no voice players.