Dragonflight has been pretty good when it comes to accessibility however there could still be some improvements. What are some barriers you’d like reduced/rid of?
PvE gear (m+/raid gear) below 476 should scale to 476 in WPvP/Instanced PvP. This would make it so PvErs would be on the same level as honor gear allowing people to forego honor grinding if they choose to do so.
Add a dynamic q to 3s (solo/duo/trio) as well as 2s (solo/duo). LFG is severely outdated & needs to either be reworked entirely or 2s/3s need the option to press ‘q’.
Conquest gains should be faster.
You should be able to cap vault for unranked gear if you so choose by doing bgs/wqs anything that grants you conquest.
RSS should provide more conquest & should give conquest for 1-6 wins.
Obsidian Gladiator’s Greatsword should be added retroactively to everyone who achieved the Obsidian Season 2 Elite just like the trading post armor was.
RSS, 2s & 3s need separate rewards. What I mean by this is, titles can stay the way they are but certain cosmetics should be earned within certain brackets. RSS could have a Legend mount that follows a seasonal color scheme but has a different model than 3s Gladiator mount.
Duelist should have a gronn/infernal rig mount that follows a seasonal color scheme per season.
Recolor old elites & make them rewards at 2k on a seasonal rotation.
I will probably add more later but that’s what I could think of atm.
It’ll never happen because of PvE, but I’m genuinely curious why people think elvUI packages are gatekeeping anything
I like pretty much all of the points about additional awards. Hard telling if that would increase participation via new players but it would certainly push those of us already playing to play more alts
Given they implemented this in BGB it seems like a no brainer to add it across the non-rated modes
Things like weakauras should have never existed and should definitely be banned. They make playing a ton of classes a lot worse. For warriors pretty much the instant you warbreaker your disarmed. Rsham presses tied, air horns go off and the entire map leaps to it to kill it. It’s not good for the game.
I know it’s been a long while for players like yourself but learning “what is an addon, how do I download addons, how do I use addons, how do I setup addons, what am I supposed to look for on this addon, what is the blinking light telling me, what is that noise, why is it important, when is it important, etc” is a turnoff to the playerbase looking to join pvp. As such, if pvp doesn’t grow it’s “bad for pvp”. In turn, “good for pvp” would be growing the game mode and we are addressing “Entry Barriers” - which addons are 100% a part of.
Before you go off and say “addons aren’t necessary to play the game at a high level” - yeah you’re right. However, I’d wager a good majority of PvPers that benefit from rewards at high levels in this game mode play with addons. I’d be down for the essentials to just be put in the general UI and call it a day. One less barrier for newer players to worry about on their journey to learning PvP and getting rewards themselves.
Improve the UI so that certain addons aren’t required and ban all other addons.
We can agree but people have been saying the same thing about gladiatorlosa for years
The reality is unless blizzard takes a Final Fantasy level stance against addons they will never be removed due to PvE players alone. Liquid/Echo have WA creators on payroll at this point
It isn’t good for the game, yes, but I just don’t see them going away
How does bagnon, prat, sexy map, bartender, etc have any effect on a new player’s ability to play?
This is where I wish Blizzard would draw the line tbh. The fact that the depth and advantage WAs can provide is so large that it is now a paid position by top guilds is absolutely insane to me.
Omnibar, gladius, and details work out of the box for the most part so there’s very little time investment required and those are probably the most used addons in pvp
Also blizzard did essentially implement bagnon and bartender into the default ui but the default blizzard bag UI is terrible and people still prefer to use bartender
I can’t see why they would ever invest dev time into minimap or chat box customization though
honestly WA shouldnt be allowed to track CDs and combat crap like that. but UI features that allow better use of function like pic rel
should 100% be allowed or integrated. the features WA brings to the UI are insane and feel like cheating sometimes.
omnibar is a pretty long time investment if you’re using it properly.
The dream would be that they would ban gameplay changing addons in pvp alone, but obviously just a pipe dream. I personally wouldn’t care if they full stop banned addons but added dr trackers to base pvp ui. But it would be a problem for a lot of other people.
Because out of the box it’s just a CD tracker in the middle of your screen and for a lot of people they might move it where they want it and hide it until someone around them uses one of the tracked CDs
You can do a ton of things with omnibar. For example set up different bars of varying size and positioning depending on importance. I have a large bar at the top of my screen to track major offensive cd’s.
You can also make it work like a pseudo weak auras if you don’t want to track the specific cd. Where you change the ability to only show when the cd is up and/ change the size and positioning. So when a rogue presses blades, you can make the blades icon show up really large and shining if you wanted to.
This part of it I don’t think should even be allowed in the game. It’s pretty much just what people use weakauras for.