Everyone that is caught in the dataforazeroth database and then checks for achievement being earned. The owner has a way of linking characters based upon high degree of identical earned achievements/collections without needing to use your battlenet account.
As for wowhead that requires an account, and it is not surprising people interested in wow news would be more invested in playing the game at a higher level.
So yes the amount caught on dataforazeroth is a bit closer to a census/parameter of a population but is not 100% accurate. And thus if you don’t earn the achievement (even for your account) you do bring down the game population average.
Blizzard made community api changes almost 2 years ago I think. All characters listed there are characters that have performed any action in the last 30 days/or have had their data requested (to update) within the last 30 days. Beyond that characters have to forcibly be removed from the database by blizzard’s orders.
You won’t get the achievement if you logged in now. It tracks only this timewalking mage tower. Besides ex post facto rewards lead to terrible reward structures.
I just have zero interest in fomo events. Instantly turns me off from the content.
I’m sure there is a large percentage of those that have never tried MT or even don’t care.
I’ve just not had time, my job is heavy in December and my game time is limited for the most part.
If Mr 630 can do it you can too…
This was me after I finished it. I think if they leave it up 24/7 they wont tune it anymore.
In the future if they made Mage Tower kinda like Football drills, but for your class that would be something everyone would be happy on doing instead of seeing who the best in the world is. Million Dollar Idea
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Aight so yeah it’s an irrelevant statistic then.
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Yet you have half of all World Event (seasonal) achievements.
I don’t see your point. 
Most of my achievements are earned just from playing the game.
I tried this on my 247 Warrior and lasted about 10 seconds…tried it a few more times, read up about how to beat it and couldn’t make it past one Ice Storm. Clearly there are better players than me but I’d be interested in seeing how a Warrior gets through this.
You talking about Xylem (Arms)?
It is though. Assessing the entire population of people currently playing the game and then comparing earned amount of an achievement is the only accurate way to figure % of population.
Or are you one of those who think this should only be compared vs every account ever made ever in wow, or some cherry picked stat of comparing earn % vs every account who stepped in a challenge once?
The latter 2 are easy ways to fudge population data.
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36/36 in legion, now 13/36 for timewalking with all of the rewards and I still think it either needs:
- The weapons back and left as is because its tuned for early legion mage tower and there is no excuse anymore.
- No weapons and boss health nerfs because the current mage tower just encourages people to farm socket sets and farm bfa battle pots to save time, and it has no business being tuned this tightly for what it gives.
If by bla bla bla bla you mean people have a basic understanding of how stats work and are trying to help the OP understand why the 3% means nothing without context, then yes, fair summary.
You always gotta poke holes in simp[le things isnt it oh wait yes you do my bad sorry . I really gotta work on my ignoring posts uggg.
No, the difficulty should not be akin to a mythic raid boss that caused a very large portion of guilds to dissolve, lmao.
The thing is, the only thing this data shows us is that… 3% of players got the achievement.
It doesn’t tell us what percentage participated in the first place.
It doesn’t tell us the success rate vs fail rate.
It doesn’t tell even tell us that it’s “unpopular”, because it COULD be a tuning issue simply resulting in too many failures.
It’s a useless statistic unless you narrow it down more.
“3% of players have completed the Shadowlands Campaign” or whatever would be relevant, because you’re pigeonholed into doing that and anyone who cares about the game even a little will have finished it. If THAT percentage is low, there’s an issue with keeping players attention long enough to finish the story.
Mage Tower is completely optional side content with no power rewards, no new story, and is only available for limited amounts of time and has nothing to do with the current expansion. The same doesn’t apply here.
Yes, I’m going to correct dangerous misuse of stats.
It’s not. You can’t farm SoO to trivialize mythic painsmith. Mage tower is way easier by comparison.
It’s a very comfortable fight for people in 250+ ilvl Shadowlands gear.
Not so with those of us scrubbing in at 130-180 ilvl with few sockets. I have been constantly getting Tugar to 10% or dead and the worm gets me. I just don’t have the damage I suspect. I see other destro locks doing it with 1k-1.5k dps. Full 250ilvl gear of course.
The scaling is borked. That’s my thinking. I top out at 700 dps and I am using everything efficiently. With some 38% haste.
Translation - I know right everyone else is dumb .
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