I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot of peeps sitting on the sidelines waiting for Blizzard to tune the darn thing to manageable levels.
This is as it should be. Not every single cosmetic in the game should be something that is obtainable by a large group. And some should be something that only very few can obtain. 3% is already a lot. Why do you feel you are entitled to mage tower cosmetics?
What rare items that are something to strive for and only a small % of people have do for the game is add meaningfulness and something to strive for. Something that people can work hard towards, and once they have it, know that very few people have it, and feel proud to show it off. With removing that, the game loses its edge and passion.
Mage tower is not something that is exclusive to people who have tons of time, or are billionaires IRL. Any of you are free to walk in whenever you’re ready, and beat the boss if you can.
I’m one of two people out of three guilds whose even attempted one, let alone gone for the mount. (On the last one now.)
They saw me doing it, decided it was a waste of time, and several of them let their sub lapse rofl.
There comes a point where if there’s so little meaningful content for a large demographic to do, making more content that isn’t for them, and making it the focal part of a patch and the only new content in months, is probably a bad idea.
I don’t think people would care nearly as much if there was more to do in this game outside progression. And even then, that content is now old.

whats a mage tower
insert simba lion king.gif never go there
I haven’t even tried it yet, I’m procrastinating till the last weekend.
Lock and warrior look easy enough. Might try on my hunter for lulz though.
Exclusivity like that is fine, if you have a growing player base/are the market leader.
WoW is neither of those things at this time, and introducing content that is THAT exclusive as the focal point of a patch during a content drought only makes the problem worse.

Can we stop with the “git gud”
No, git gud.

are we really going to lean on “over 97% of players are baddies”?
" The percentage of players tracked by Data for Azeroth that have obtained this item
Last Scanned Dec 21, 2021"
How many does this account for out of total players? I can’t get a confirmed count of users, but they have roughly 100,000 users listed in their tracking base. This doesn’t account for profiles with multiple characters. This is a poor data set.
You guys don’t get it do you?
Ion is all about raiding, period.
Anything else in game that doesn’t push the raiding agenda of his is “wasted development” and is set up to fail.
Then he can point to it and say “look, we tried to give people what they say they wanted and it didn’t work out”.
They did the same thing with “player housing” garrisons.
He can’t do it to mythic+ because of the esports thing or Activision would send him out on his butt.
Torghast, same deal, it was popular in testing, but it was TOO popular, and would have been a threat to raid participation if everyone started gearing up through the tower, so it was dismantled to it’s current state.
Nothing can be allowed to threaten raid participation or it gets flubbed up so nobody does it.
Practice practice practice… don’t change the challenge, face it
But Mage tower isn’t new content. The legacy of MT is to be HARD and a CHALLENGE, not a cake walk like most casuals want it to be. Any revival of MT should always stay hard and challenging.

I can already feel my smugness and condescenion levels drastically rise.
Blizzard should add in forced titles in game for fun.
make 10 forum posts in a week being snarky, get slapped with the title “the Smug”.
Or be like that cookie gnome dude on here and get “the Cheerful”
To be honest most players aren’t interested in doing the mage tower. I’m not knocking it either. I’m glad it’s there for people to do. But I reckon most people are like me and couldn’t be bothered or know they won’t be able to complete it. And then there’s all the others that prolly don’t even know it’s a thing.
Also, just a reminder, this is 3% have completed one challenge.
They’re are some challenges which are faceroll.
Then there’s ones like guardian druid.

Too limited, not a permanent event
A month is a pretty generous amount of time for most people.

Bad rewards
The sets are fine-good.
The book is fantastic.
What’s a shame is that there’s no incentive to play alt specs.

Then there’s ones like guardian druid.
Guardian isn’t even the hardest tank, though, let alone the hardest challenge.
That seems to put it in a similar difficulty class as mythic painsmith (~3.2%). Which is where It should be, Entirely mechanics, most mechanics fails are 1shots, kind of like the painsmith fight.

A month is a pretty generous amount of time for most people.
This is an one-time only gesture. You’ll wait 4 1/2 months after that to have a chance.
This is not good enough compared how Final Fantasy 14 manages Timewalking.

So another meaningless stat then by a site with limited and inaccurate info? And it’s surely not referring to the total WoW population. Not everyone is even bothering to attempt the MT.
Of those who are doing it then yes a low success rate is a good thing. It’s supposed to be hard.
I wouldn’t be on that info even though I beat the mage tower in legion on my mm hunter. I haven’t logged into retail to trigger what new ach that I am guessing it is tracking.
What counts as players. All accounts in the game? All active accounts?
does it count each actual character? some people have max alts.
Pretty sure people want to know what the success rate is, and this is not that.
You guys are just not good enough. Accept it
Who does this catch? I’m max level on multiple toons and am subbed and have logged into a few of them in 9.1.5, but have literally 0 interest in Mage Tower to begin with. Am I being counted multiple times, lowering the “completion rate”? I doubt the API lets them track only people who have made attempts.