If you kill the demon too fast prior to Mayla’s escort, she doesn’t continue on outside to the Eagles. Being 120 it’s difficult not to kill the demon too fast. Please fix this. Or better yet, make the scenarios solo ques for 120s.
I also experienced this same problem today.
I can confirm this just happened to me. Still not fixed as of 5/3/2020
Still a serious issue as of June 26, 2020. All players have to leave the instance, inflicting a 30 min no-queue debuff on them. Terrible.
All they should need to go is change Mayla’s trigger from being attacked to something like a timer from the point of summoning.
I’ve just learned to accept the fact that Blizzard just doesn’t care about prior content and doesn’t wish to make any of us happy.
Just happened to me as of today 07/14/20 - DISGUSTING BLIZZ
Just take all of your gear off and only auto attack. That’s how I’ve dealt with it when I’ve had to do it. It is inconvenient but it’s not a game-breaking issue.
The problem is that you’re one of three people and can only control yourself. Being aware of this bug I told the other two people not to dps the mob right when it came out but they didn’t listen. Luckily the bug appears inconsistent so it didn’t ruin that scenario, but it could have very well done so and not been my fault.
Just happened to me 8/1/2020 didnt know it was an issue that you couldnt kill the mobs fast…could blizzard do anything about it? Or do they just not care about past expansions at all anymore?
Still an issue as of 8/14/2020. People instantly kill the lieutenant that spawns and it bugs Mayla, leaving the scenario in a state where it cannot be completed and also gives you a 30 minute deserter debuff when you leave.
It cannot be that hard to change the trigger for movement from whatever it is now (that doesn’t work)_, to a speech bubble that can only be triggered when out of combat, like almost EVERY OTHER NPC in the game
Why do we report these bugs if they don’t ever get fixed?
It has happened again today, I did not know about this bug and Mayla is frozen.
still an issue as of 9/19/2020. lmaooo Blizzard please fix this
bug still exists as of 10/3/20
never getting fixed
Would be great to at least make the quest completable without doing the bugged out scenario (or better yet, make it account wide so alts don’t have to slog through all this stuff that’s not getting fixed)
Still bugged as of 11/18/2020. However, I did manage to find a solution but I do not know if it works in a group or not since the other 2 people left. After they left I logged out (while still in the scenario) for about 5 to 10 minutes and when I logged back in the scenario reset, allowing me to repeat the process and avoid the bug.
Still bugged as of 11/23/2020. If you kill the boss to fast you completely break the scenario… so frustrating as it gives you a deserter buff if you try to leave and restart!
Yeah this just happened to me too. This is really dumb.
Still bugged as of 11/28/20. Happened to me twice, and now I have to suffer with the deserter buff. Ridiculous.
11/28/2020 Scenario still blows as does a lot of Blizz content due to them not caring about okd content, new players, new toons, etc. Maybe I wont upgrade my direct deposit…capiche Blizz?