Legitimate Item purged with Stormwind Vendor items


During the recent maintenance, you removed the items purchased from the accidental Stormwind T2 PTR vendors. However, in removing these, you also removed my legitimately earned T2 belts from 2 of my characters as well. The characters in question are Thundaclam (Crusader Strike, Alliance) and Sizher (Crusader Strike, Alliance). If you could please restore the items I earned legitimately, that would be great!

Thank you.

Did you get your items restored?

Not as of yet.

Have you filed a ticket as that would be the way to go if you haven’t.

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I did. They responded and sent me here lol.

I had one CS rep tell me to create a forum post here so I did, and sent the link back to them. I then had three more CS reps basically tell me to get lost, leading up to the most recent CS rep basically threatening to outright ban my account if I responded to the ticket again.

There are now 5 reports on the forum that indicate blizzard removed non-ptr vendor items, with evidence of legitimate sourcing of those items.

Blizzard needs to do something.

They did not:

Including the last ticket, that would be 5 tickets on the same subject matter that you received an (or the same) answer on. At a certain point they have the right to warn you of abusing the ticket system as there are others who need help too.

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You misunderstand though you following me around tells me you didnt try to and are only trolling.

I included in my ticket to them links to 5 reports of the same, I did not personally open 5 tickets. I opened one.

That’s saying that the GMs did not instruct them to post in customer service, the location of that thread you’re cross linking. Classic bug report (this one is retails bug report) would be the proper place for bug reporting, though the SFA did mention it isn’t considered a bug.


This seems to contradict your earlier post here:




That you’re trolling others by misrepresenting the situation and still continue to be weird after being corrected is not my problem, but your problem.