Legion was the worst xpac of all time


It’s definitely worse now though, every spec feels exactly the same. Legion was the start of that, but damage profiles were still better than they are now, and I agree that the changes generally make it a bad expansion but I almost feel like the title is off because the expansions just somehow get worse and worse.

I enjoyed the zones, questing, raids, etc of Legion, but I definitely agree with your criticism about class design, borrowed power systems and legendary items.

I maintain to this day that WoD was better than anything that came after it on account of not having borrowed power systems and pointless legendary grinds (until the last tier anyway). I have always played a paladin and a priest, and in WoD both of my characters were equal in power. Now one character always lags behind the other because of the stupid AP grinds and legendary grinds. I sometimes think about leveling other alts, but then I realize that when I hit max level I’ll need to grind AP/legendary items and just don’t bother. This in turn causes me to unsub after clearing the content that I want to do while waiting for the next tier.

I think borrowed power and “legendary” items are the worst thing to happen to the game.


It’s because this legion was snow ball at the top of a snowy mountain

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I could like you, except there was that one time you insulted druids. I don’t know if I can get past that.

If that’s your opinion I won’t fault you for it… Different strokes for different folks. I liked MoP much better than I did Cata.

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I will agree to much of this. Legion did have a good story.

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That’s not even my fault

How can I live in a world where convoke exists and kills my hunters pet with out even targeting it and 5938 boomkins are farming my spots so hard blizzard hot fixes them with out noticing Druid’s and getting triggered as they zoom past me in mount form when everyone is stapled to the ground in the maw

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This is what happens when continual “balancing” happens to an RPG. Homogenisation of the classes and flavor is lost. In my opinion, of course.

This is fine. I wouldn’t argue with someone for saying that. I like MoP more than Cata too.

I just want someone to give me a reason with substance on why Cata was bad. The only reason I have seen is “it ruin meh classic.” I don’t think that’s a good enough reason to call the entire xpac bad.


I think M+ is one of the worst things ever added. It took the go go go mentality and made it a 1000 times worse.


I am no fan of M+ but it is something other players do enjoy and the one true “new feature” added to the game.

Without M+ this current dev team has not added anything to the core WoW game of lasting value.

Not good!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I don’t think M+ Was a bad addition, unfortunately it highlighted the difference in play styles in a big way

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The Legendary weapon thing was garbage. I quit within 2 months of release.

I remember when that also happened in Cataclysm and MoP and the reasoning then was that classes had too much similar stuff.

Now it’s just that they all have no depth.

All have everything = homogenization
All have nothing = homogenization

Would be nice to see real distinctions again.


Well that’s not my fault. I only go into that place once a week anyway so I don’t even really count as one of them.

And you play a rogue, I don’t even want to hear you complain about another class being annoying in PvP.

I know a lot of people love M+ so I would never advocate for it to be removed (unlike the the remove LFR crowd) I simply wish it had never been added.


You forgot the worst part of it. The level scaling. They turned they leveling experience from feeling stronger with each level into feeling nothing. The exception was when you first hit level cap. What that happened things you were able to kill some what easily would annihilate you.


Rogues are even more annoying to play as a rogue

The whole play style right now is horrible, attack someone in master assassin and try to kill them, if it fails run away and do it again

It isn’t fun for anyone


I forgot, let me adjust the OP for this honourable meantion


You’re really just describing why I don’t PvP. Did it quite a bit in Cata but disc priests were super OP at the time so that’s the only reason it was fun.