Legion Timewalking 500 Badge Bonus Item Not Dropping

Like I said

On US servers I got it again first run

On EU servers I got it after 4 runs on the same character.

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There might be something to this. Did a run on a different character and got one first dungeon

Dude, thats brutal.

I thought the drop rate for all of the legion paragon rewards had been buffed somewhat recently also.

The article

Was player reported, probably bugged and unintentional since if Blizz did it theyā€™d likely announce it. If the drop was increased at some point theyā€™ve probably fixed it lol.

Well, its 12-19-21 at 4:20am EST and bug still persists. My warlock has not yet gotten the final boss quest item for 500 badges in Legion TW. Never had one drop for this toon yet. Iā€™ll submit a ticket like everyone else and if I get a reply or the item in the mail Iā€™ll make sure to post it.

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Is it even dropping this new week, or should I not waste my time finding out.

I got it to drop after maybe 4-6 dungeons while levelling. My max level alt that did the dungeons for the weekly quest never saw it this week.

Itā€™s really inconsistent, and there is apparently not a way to tell in advance whether you will get the quest item or not. In particular, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted for quest 64710, Whispering Felflame Crystal, shows false for all of my characters before running a Legion timewalking dungeon, but some get it and some do not. I ran 11 separate characters today, only two got the item. One of those two (maybe both) did not get it last week.

Very frustrating. I wish Blizzard would comment on what the intention is, at least, so we knew which behavior was the buggy one. Their statement about extending timewalking indicated that the associated event quest (5/5 dungeons for some SL gear) was available again, so it seems to me that this one for badges should be cleanly reset as well. Maybe their intention is different. Itā€™s the inconsistency that is not fun.

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A GM replied to tell me that the drop is only supposed to be once per event, so it not dropping the second week is ā€œworking as intended.ā€

I replied that that doesnā€™t explain how one of my characters DID get a second one after the reset, and on the fifth or so dungeon instead of the first.

One way or another, it is definitely bugged.

See I got a different reply. I got the item in the mail on my rouge as the GM confirmed it was supposed to drop for me.

Did you already get one previously on that character? Because I just got a second response from a different CS Rep confirming it is intended to be once per event per character. At the same time, I also got one last night from the first timewalking dungeon I did this week on a toon I already got one on in the first week (but not the second).

So as of right now, two of my characters have gotten the item twice in three weeks, when they should either have gotten it three times each, or once each.

Basically, Iā€™m getting the impression itā€™s completely borked and no one knows what is supposed to be happening with this. It would really help if someone at Blizzard could actually acknowledge the issue and the intent publically, even if they are unable to resolve it at this time. The silence and contradictory responses really make the whole thing feel very unprofessional.

So I just ran Legion Timewalking on the rest of my characters. None of them have received the item this week at all after getting it the previous 2 weeks so there is something borked. Others in the group are getting the FelFLame crystal still for the 3rd time in 3 weeks.

I wonder if it coded to drop every 7 real life days and not weekly reset since this is the 1st TW to be extended?

I ran Legion TW on all my toons last Monday morning/afternoon, 12/20/21 and turned them all in so I bet if I waited 7 days exactly and ran them Monday night 12/27/21 I bet it drop.

it is limited to once a week per character

I got one the first week, none last week, and then got one on the first TW dungeon I ran this week. Guildmate in the group this week did not get one though, so I donā€™t really know what the trend here is

I thought it was a daily. I get 500 everyday. Am I bugged?

Yes, unless itā€™s on different characters every day.

This is apparently the official response and intent, but it does not match the actual behavior of the drop. It is definitely bugged, and I think the unintended, soft 7-day reset theory may have some merit.

Or itā€™s a random, lawless wasteland.

One or the other. :sweat_smile:

Just did the WotLK event and first dungeon, Forge of Souls, item did not drop. Second dungeon, Azjol-Nerub, it did drop. Maybe Forge of Souls is new to the rotation and doesnā€™t have the item added to it yet?

Same - Forge of Souls = no drop. Second dungeon = drop.
I know this is an older topic - but googling the bug led me straight to this post so Iā€™ll bet others run into the same issue.

Bug Reports are the best place to check to see if you can add to a thread on that forum, as presumably the forum is there to provide info to game devs.