Timewalking Dungeon Event

Hi there.

Unsure if anyone else is experiencing this issue. This week is the Lich King expansion timewalking event. After completing a timewalking dungeon several of my alts did not receive this week’s timewalking event item (Frigid Timewalk Prisim).

I joined the dungeon from the start. I assisted in every boss kill including the final boss of the dungeon. But, the quest item (Frigid Timewalk Prism) did not drop.

No, the item is not in my bags/bank and no, I have not used the item and completed the quests either.

The item simply did not appear in the loot of the final boss of the dungeon.

Any help appreciated


It’s a known bug for Forge of Souls. Feel free to add your comments there. You may also want to move this thread to Bug Report.

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I just had this, I think it’s the new dungeon that is not dropping the item.

I had same issue.

UPDATE: Just reiterating what was said by Wulm in his edit… appears as though the issue is the Forge of Souls dungeon.

Unfortunate it was the dungeon that popped on several of my alts, but I’ll just run another to get the Prisim.

Looks as though the post has been moved to bugs too. Thanks to whoever did that. :+1:t5:

My first TW dungeon on druid was Forge of Souls and nobody in the group got the quest item. My other alts (hunter, pally, dh) ran other dungeons (Gundrak, Azjol-Nerub, Nexus) and all had the item drop.

I had the same issue just happen to me.

Edit: For clarification, last boss of Forge of Souls did not drop Frigid Timewarped Prisim, I got Azjol-nerub next and the item did drop from last boss there.

I did not get the quest for my 500 tokens and I did not get credit for 1 of 5 dungeons done for my 226 item. Grrr, hisss.

Just did this on an alt, still happening.

The funny bit is it seems we’re getting funneled into Forge of Souls for our first Timewalking of the week, as this is the first rotation since it was added. I did have one character that got a different dungeon for their first, but 4-5 so far, I’ve had to run at least two.

I’ve run 58 toons through Wrath TW this week to farm TW badges. The last boss in Forge of Souls consistently failed to drop Frigid Timewarped Prism. I submitted in-game Bug Reports on Tuesday and on Wednesday but the problem persisted into Friday, (the day I finished doing “first runs” on my toons). The workaround is to do a second run and hope it isn’t Forge of Souls. Nine of my toons had to do a second run to get their prism. This was an annoyance with my level 50s that are not eligible for “Frozen Path Through Time”. Both runs do count toward the 5-run quest. The problem is the bug occurred for some of my 60s that don’t need the 226 gear reward. The workaround cut into my time for 60s that do need 226 gear.

Not just FoS, happened in Nexus as well.

And Azol Nerub