Legion Remix - What are you most looking forward to?

With potentially Legion remix underway this year…what are some of your hopes for it and what are you excited the most about it coming?

Me? the transmog of course! some of the best Tmog ive seen in recent years was from Legion. I would love to have the revamp’d sets.

I hope the game structure is the same from MoP remix. Breaking down gear, over powered abilities/sockets. ETC.

What are some of your favorite memories from legion? and what do you hope to see in remix?

(mage tower answers are acceptable!)


Can’t wait for them to make the same mistakes with bronze only to buff it later.

What’s the Legion equivalent to the frog camp btw?


I almost forgot about that…yes…i do hope they learned from that.

Would love to be able to farm as many bronze as i can for w/e they end up throwing at us!

Mage Tower weapons returning would be sweet, or a new tint. Give me that rainbow shifting kitty form.

The ability to wear anyone’s tier set on that armor type was an AMAZING addition for P:Remix. Wearing Paladin’s tier set on a Death Knight, Priest set on Warlock, etc.

Weapon recolors, Taeshalach has a huge potential.

I am very excited.



Assuming they’ll do new recolors for the artifact skins.

Definitely that.

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Would love this too (i specifically left it out of my OP cus it makes people angy)

Recolors of the armor sets would be LIT!

ORR, even recolors of the CLASS MOUNTS :O!!!


The warlord remix that comes out before it


doing an Order Hall story that I haven’t seen before.

probably Shaman.

Yeah I probably won’t do it this time around unless of course there is a really really cool skin for the artifacts weapon that unlocks for all characters of that class.

So Blizz, up to you

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Getting those stupid Infernal mounts without having to rely on RNG anymore.

And whatever new stuff they come up with. I’d love to see them just go crazy with some of those high society Nightborne outfits that the NPCs got but we didn’t.

People hoping that they’ll bring back the MT artifact tints, I wouldn’t hold your breath too long. They didn’t do the MoP CM sets for a reason.

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Hoping there’s a relatively easy way to unlock more of the artefact appearances. Oh and being a big pumper again obviously.

I hope they improved the experience compared to last, quite a few bugs and exploits, or undertuned things were in mop remix.

Might do the big grind and grind every single mog, set and mount this time as it’s way better then mop

Mage Tower weapons coming back would be cool but I don’t see it happening given that the MoP challenge mode armor sets didn’t come back either


Yeah idk how you do one but not the other

Hopefully we get blue recolors of Legion mounts.

Legion Remix will be great until you see it doesn’t have the care free spirit of MoP. Also you should have a option to reset a character back to level 10 but keep titles and achievements.

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Invasion sets, because I don’t wanna farm those in the regular game.


My top ask is an illusion comparable to Demonic Tyranny
They added sha themed one with MoP remix
Hoping for a fel inspired version

Obviously new artifact appearance recolors

Maybe another change to get the OG skins from mage tower or at very least recolors.

I wouldn’t mind if they made the OGs available only on retail while remix is live or something to preserve the difficulty

Maybe a curveball like DH flying
(reskin dracthyr “soar” for havoc meta)
Meta form customization
New wing glyphs

It is the expansion they introduced DH after all
Would be rad to see the reason we were ignored and neglected for the past year with buff/tuning is because the dev has been hard at work for all the things we’re getting in remix
(Yeah right lol)

A mage tower recolor that continually shifted colors is the only thing that would get me to play it. I’m happy with my memories and don’t want to see Ion’s vision of how people should want to play shoehorned into it.

Since it is Legion I hope they embrace the RnG loot more to honor titanforging.

Have a crazy AP system too.

This made me realize we will be getting BFA remix with Twillight devastation :sob: :sob: