Legion Remix - What are you most looking forward to?

Green. Infernal.

Stupid thing. I will have you.

Rest of legion i did when current so i would want to see the new stuff if anything added otherwise w/e

The remix panda raids were boring cause just face roll so remix is for leveling (i have one of each class alrdy) and collections.

God this, those stupid weapon mogs have evaded me forever.

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A quasi-live experience of playing the content. I was on a break when it was current. So while I’ve done the story, it hits different when you can experience it with others and with bosses you don’t one-shot (at the onset).

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Well, if that is the case, I am excited to be crazy powerful like I was in MOP Remix and probably on a DH with my speed being so fast It causes people to freeze in place.

I also can’t wait to acquire all the different mounts, armor and weapons appearance I do not have, and maybe to read some General forum threads on how the Mage Tower should be brought back, but won’t because well we didn’t get the challenges in MOP brought back.

/Hopes and Dreams


I don’t have many memories of Legion that are fond ones. I hope to see Pandaria remix 2.0, get all the mounts, mogs etc that I never got the chance for. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I am more worried they will somehow suck the fun out of all the crazy damage we were doing in it and make it a slog


There are six different Fel Bat mounts that never made it to Legion for whatever reason that I’m excited to finally see, WarcraftMounts shows them. Besides that I only really look forward to leveling my alts if I don’t already level them by whenever they start the event, all the way to the account character cap that they will likely increase again like they did before. My main regret with MoP Remix is that I didn’t follow through with my original plan of leveling new alts all the way to the cap. At the end it was very easy to just crank out a character to 70 within a couple of hours which was great for all the purposes of alting. I loved Legion though, so I’m gonna really enjoy it when it’s here.

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i would not be upset if they added recolors of all the class hall mounts to encourage everyone to level more toons.

I also wouldn’t be upset if we got a few more colorations of mounts like the Spellwing.


what i’m looking forward to is people throwing conniptions and going into hysterics if they made a new tint for the mt artifact appearance (which already has precedent with the guardian druid one). i remember reading a reddit post that i’m not sure was satire or someone really pathetic enough that they were freaking out over them possibly giving cm sets in mop remix.

it basically went “my buddy is a long time wow player and hes been going through some stuff, wife left him, pet died, etc and his mop cm sets are the last thread he’s clinging to, if everyone else were allowed to get them it just might push him over the edge”

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You know, people would absolutely lose their minds if that happened. I can’t have others acquiring my druid MT forms who didn’t (Put in the Work) in a video game. That is preposterous thinking and counterintuitive to competitiveness of games in general.

:+1: :grinning:


the most laughable part is that most people complained and whined it was too hard until they were able to massively outgear it in 7.3.5 with insane ap and argus welfare gear


Evoker order hall where you stop the Infinite Dragonflight from interfering with the victory over the Legion.

You can do that now though.

With MoP Remix, they technically brought back the legendary cloak skins. They were just unlocks from leveling your cloak, so they didn’t share the same names as the cloaks from MoP. It’s entirely possible that they will add Mage Tower skins, though I would expect a recolors instead of 1/1 replicas.

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In the very beginning, opening quest of Legion there’s a part where Khadgar addresses the Kirin Tor and Jaina throws a fit about inviting the horde back. Then she up and leaves. During this scene I used the Piccolo of Flaming Fire and Khadgar started dancing. When Jaina left he just casually slid right into her spot, still dancing. It was hilarious and funnily enough my best memory from Legion.

And if we get a remix, I’m totally going to do it again.


My greatest hope for remix is that it goes away. Permanently.

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Luckily for the rest of us, Remix was actually a pretty big hit with the player base.


ALL Mage Tower appearances/colors should come back…

…But if I’m being realistic (because I know Blizz would never do the right thing and bring the old ones back)…

They’ll probably take the Panda Phoenix approach and bring recolors, and I think I would be ok with it. The Remix Phoenix scratched the “damn I want a Phoenix!” itch, and I haven’t thought about the missing CM colors since then.

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The phoenix was MoP Remix is actually better than the originals, in my opinion. Its color scheme is more fitting of a phoenix.


getting the artifact apperiences i missed. I was kind of against them re-releasing for years, then someone commented something that changed my mine.

“its a challenge so you should do the challenge for it not you played the game at the right time.”



but I’m not going to. I’m going to wait for remix.