Legion Remix - Mage Tower

It was pretty easy towards the end with ilev and big concordance.

Still shouldn’t be brought back, though.

Would like the frost mage appearance or maybe unholy just so i have all 3 on dk even though i never do unholy and it looks bad.

But honestly legion remix is for me to get the stupid infernal mounts

I agree that they should add back the Mage Tower appearances in Legion Remix, but I don’t think they should add back the Mage Tower itself. Just let players buy them for a few currency tokens each. :innocent:


I don’t mind them bringing back the weapons/looks from mage tower. I would like to see retints as well.

Yes, I am advocating for another 2-3+ sparkle cat retints and more colors of the prot paladin shield/mace combo.


Not sure how that would work for evokers.

Just make a new one. I mean… they made Evokers a tier 2 set that didn’t exist. lol

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I love that people are still requesting these. Keep it going, I think it’s going to work.

I don’t understand the “but they didn’t add challenge mode sets to mop remix” logic. Why wouldn’t you assume that things change or that they are not exactly the same thing? The Dev’s approach to these things can always change over time. Perhaps they even thought about it but just wouldn’t fit into their release schedule to adequately implement them at the time.

I have to admit it did suck to see the cm appearances just hanging on the mannequins in the main hub during the entirety of mop remix lol. Nevertheless, I do care a lot more about the artifact weapons

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i dont get why people think this cant happen, they literally brought it back with new recolors for legion timewalking, they can do it again for legion remix. (also i’d love to have a recolor of the destro staff with the bones charred from the flames rather than being fresh and clean)

because mage tower appearances are the same stuff as challenge mode sets from mop.

they did mop remix yet the challenge mode appearances didnt return and they stated why too.

same thing for legion. stop the copium


their reasoning for not bringing back mop challenge mode sets,… itsnt 10 years ago. it was just a few months ago. stop the copium

Guys, it’s obvious they’ll never add another AH mount since Blizz openly stated they don’t want AH mounts being common.


that was nearly 5 years ago so things changed regarding that

however their reasoning about challenge mode stuff like elite sets artifacts etc are all fundamentally intact.

they brought back mage tower and guess what. they said they are not gonna bring the appearances back and instead added recolors of a mythic set. enjoy

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I’d be fine with recolors.

But I would’ve been fine with recolors of the MOP CM sets too and they didn’t do those, so they’re not going to do MT either.

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I’m not reading a good argument for it.

I’m gonna take a wild leap here and guess you never tried the holy priest challenge.

Not that I’m totally against bringing back some semblance of the mage tower appearances. Instead, I’d ask Blizzard to bring them back but in a different color (like the guardian druid form). That way those of us that have the OG appearances have something to try for as well. Win/win for everyone.


MoP Remix didnt have the challenges for the limited appearances and I doubt they will be bringing it back for Legion remix, if they even decide to do that expac as a remix.

They could release different color tints of the same appearances, or they could release new ones in general. I doubt they would do this as they would have to invest effort into them.

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Blizzard should enable Mage Tower for Evoker, it never worked for that class.

Why don’t you just ask them to put it in the cash shop while you’re at it?

When Legion Remix comes it’s likely they’ll do recolours. I dunno if that will include MT ones though.

Would be cool in my books!

Here for mage tower artifacts returning, 100%, but what I want more than anything:
A badass new Fel Green enchant.
Either a 1to1 copy of demonic tyranny or something updated, but as good.
With the sha themed enchant last remix I have hope they’ll do something similar!
Demonic tyranny is by far my favorite enchant and I’m so sad I didn’t PvP when it was available.