Legion raid soloing still broken

How long is it going to take before blizzard fixes this problem? Health points are insanely high on bosses and trash mobs. Mythic goroth is a perfect example and he pretty much destroys you.It would be nice if they would get this problem fixed this scaling pretty much effected in all legion raids no reason why we can’t solo this by now with 11+ levels. Looks like they put a small bandage on it then didn’t test it out. This has been known since last august.


Low priority problem…

Fixing critical issues with SL is always going to take precedence over ability to solo old raids. :frowning:


they’ve already said that the fix for legion raid soloing will be that eventually in Shadowlands your gear will get stronger.

No joke, you want to raid legion stuff solo then you’re gonna have to wait until you get gear in either 9.2 or 9.3… MAYBE 9.1 depending on your class

They aren’t even fixing critical issues in shadowlands.

I promise you most of their development time is being spent on future content now. Possibly even TBC stuff.


Bring friends! Everything’s better together!


So… short story here is if raiding old legion content, which you did in BfA, is important to you, Blizz has no plans to fix and you can unsubscribe until a later date to see if it has been fixed.

This WoW dev team are truly something else.


yes. I don’t recall if they flat out said it was a no-priority issue for them, but you might as well assume as much… I don’t recall when the interview was(3-4 weeks ago?) but they DID say that eventually you’ll get stronger in Shadowlands and then you’ll be able to do it.

Something about the level squish messed them up on this topic

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heh…and the funny part of that is SL wont ever be ‘fixed’ enough to go back and do old stuff right…and someone has to be working on future content too…

Ion already said it’s working as intented™

They broke scaling with the squish and cant fix it without rebalancing current content which wont happen in the name of old content.


It’s not too bad. Most can be done solo except some bosses of Antorus Heroic and Antorus Mythic.

They are correct in that we will outscale the bosses by gear. At 211 I’m already past the power level I had at 132 (given that there are a ton of added power through heart and Azerite and previously corruption).

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Scaling was one of if not the worst things to ever happen to wow.

It’s literally the definition of anti-RPG.


Shame they didn’t have a beta test period. These “unintended” problems are so prevalent you’d think they anticipate them at this point.

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I mean this is honestly what happens when you fire your entire QA team…


Don’t even need that. It was reported and discussed over and over during Beta.


And why wouldn’t they when they can crowdsource the testers for free?

Plus the streamers will put in far more hours per day than an employee.


Hard to argue with that.

Except they aren’t even fixing most bugs with Shadowlands.

With all the broken glass laying about, do you really think they’re going to fix this house?

It’s clear to me that they’re living with the broken bits and piling on top… which means they’ve accepted the state of things. It’s not going to be fixed. I’ve really given up on this dev team and started playing classic again to just go through the motions for awhile.


This is why their stat compression shenanigans always turn into a drunken clown convention.

It’s one thing when they’re running into legitimate technical limitations (see MoP) but when the only excuse is, “but… but BIG NUMBERS ARE SCARY!!!” that’s when they need to find people with better priorities.

… granted, this wasn’t just a “shrink the item levels” exercise, but they literally shrank the character levels. This, I’ll grant, is a better excuse than, “but what about the aesthetics of the tooltips!!!” nonsense, and leveling did need help… but that’s still no excuse to leave the system in the dismal state it’s in. Whatever was gained was 100% NOT worth losing an entire expansion’s worth of relative power growth compared to previous content.


I highly doubt they’ll fix it because they are 100% right, with enough SL gear you will be able to solo it…maybe…barely. So they are going to sit on their hands until 9.3 comes and if they are right then everyone will shutup :man_shrugging: If they are wrong then this will of course get worse. The problem is, come 10.0 launch (the xpac not prepatch) the same exact threads are going to popup but this time it’ll be BFA content because if we can’t do Legion now and they change nothing then we won’t be able to do BFA at 60/70 (whatever level next xpacs cap is).

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