Legion raid soloing still broken

They have more pressing issues to sort out before tackling scaling issues.

Like, what to sell for store mounts next, I mean cmon, these yachts ain’t going to buy themselves.

oh, did you expect game balance ?
I want to link the daenerys meme, but I cannot.


I highly doubt it’s broken, but moreso intended.


The old barrier was that as soon as you were 11 or more levels over the content, it would become (mostly) trivial. Which pigeonholed it to the “2 expacs back” pattern. Now perhaps the barrier is iLvl based instead of player level based. And maybe it’s an iLvl that isn’t attainable yet.

Don’t forget that you can always equip the heart. Even if you were dumb and sold/destroyed most of your Azerite gear like I did, you can still benefit from the Essences.

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The legacy used to be 11 levels but shouldn’t it only be 5 or so now with the level squish?


Which doesn’t explain why we are unable to solo things at 60 that we could solo before the expansion at 120.

Losing power relative to your previous performance always feels bad, and shouldn’t happen in an MMO.

Not to mention that “legacy” buff was only put in place because they screwed up the first squish. It used to be that the level progression + new gear alone was enough to allow people to solo things. When they squished stats and didn’t adjust the bosses, they put in a bandaid “legacy buff” to make up for the lost power.a


Real Talk…what were you doing during Legion? Mog runs in Dragon Spine?

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I haven’t run into a game breaking bug well… at all.

That’s precisely what I do. Love that guardian of azerite stone thing, OP damage on a 3 min cd :stuck_out_tongue:

The Legacy buff doesn’t even seem to be active in Legion raids?

That’s not much of a standard to have nearly 2 months post release. There are bugs I find almost every day but I guess if they don’t completely break the game no biggie.

I honestly don’t care about non-game breaking bugs and would rather they focus on new content /shrug.

Yeah, I agree that we’ll likely not see a fix for this… ever.


Blizzard please just make Legion raid bosses take more damage from players. It’s not unreasonable!!!


Shouldn’t it? I don’t understand why they wouldn’t adjust that when they basically squished the number of levels we have to half. By not adjusting it they have doubled the amount of time required to have legacy content.

I really really wish people would stop supporting them when they want to do all these squishes, it isn’t needed and they always try to bury a whole bunch of other changes in there.

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Did you see the like 3 items on yesterday’s hotfix post? I think they could’ve taken a few seconds to add the demoralized debuff to Legion raid bosses. :roll_eyes:

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You’d think, right? I wish they would have… but clearly they didn’t. SL fixes > Old Content fixes. Raw gold farming is pretty murky to me until they fix this /sad

Sure it’s broken? Not intentional ? They have admitted to manipulate the game so people will play current content in the past.

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IM SO MAD blizzard fix this you’re killing the game like this people love to do legacy stuff CMON

:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: