Legion paragon mounts

I made a decision some time ago that i would just write off any missing paragon mounts when any given expansion ended, ive been lucky so far and got them all but when BFA is over there’s going to be a few mounts scratched off my to do list.

Maybe if Blizzard was ahead of the collectors with collecting achievements i’d be more motivated but it’s hard to push too hard when you’re already so far beyond the current highest achievement.

Are you serious? So another lie from Ion when he promised never to do that again. Unreal.

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I recently completed my Army of the Light Collection…it was actually really smooth with the reputation bonuses we got…

they are definitely rewarding players that are sticking this expansion out…:slight_smile:

Who wants more mounts? How many are enough? Speaking of more, I’ve gotta get more pets or I’ll go stir crazy…

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I’ve still been doing them on my character with the factions all exalted. In Legion I did the dailies every. single. day. I still don’t have any of the originals. Just one of the ugly Elekks…

Never bothered. I refuse to play that lotto.

That stupid Hippogryff dropped for me three times before the Valajar/Highmountain mounts deigned to show up for me.

… that’s how I can say, with authority, that they vendor for one copper. :unamused:



Only one I was able to snag was the Lightforged elephant. Didn’t care much for the carpet or the Argus one so I didn’t put any effort into those.

Did actively try for the Hippogryph but had no luck there either.

I am pretty sure it was added along with all the other paragon ones i 8.2.5

I’m 3/5 on Legion paragon mounts… I have moose, carpet, and hippogryph but I’m missing stormdrake and unicorn! Just my luck that it’s the coolest ones eluding me.

These mounts have been the bane of my existence since they released…

I have opened so many of the Bonus rep boxes from every single rep. I am easily over 1k boxes total. I literally have one mount… one…

I got the Valarjar Drake, which is the only one I wanted. Dont care enough to grind for the others.

I got the last three I needed! The Cloudwing, and two Army elekks. Cloudwing was the last one I got, and it was the paragon mount I tried hardest for from the beginning so I can feel your pain.

I got the dreamweaver pony. I think the only mounts I’m missing are Farondis and one of the elekks from the argus faction.

Got the carpet and dreamrunner, which were the ones I wanted the most. Would’ve liked the Valarjar stormwing, but I got the recolour from the island expeditions so I’m pretty happy with that.

I started the game a bit before the rep bonus came out, and it’s definitely spoiled me. Even with the ~60% bonus I’m already losing the motivation to farm these.

He broke it in BFA - when they stuck a mount in the Naz emissary box. They can’t help themselves as they are taking secret orders from gaming psychologist.


Got them all during content, but I think it is more difficult afterwards. I do not think that the percent drop rate is very accurate that is reflected on wowhead. I believe it is more variable, it always seems that during content it is more attainable upfront and it decreases afterwards.

Currently I am running 17 toons on Rustfeather for the past few months, I should have gotten it by now but no dice. Lots of people are still gathering there for the chance too, I believe that the drop rate was reduced to near nothing. The random percentage drop for mounts is really a bogus means especially as it has become a part of the game and acheivements/mounts as a goal.

The only drop nerf from expansion to expansion is the mythic mounts becoming 1% when not current. It is highly unlikely that blizz would even bother to touch other rare mounts with stealth nerfs from expac to expac, it’s just RNG.
I have gotten every paragon mount/toy during legion except the carpet and hippogryph.
In the last two months I opened 5 nightfallen boxes and got the carpet, opened about 60 farondis boxes and got zilch.

It’s all cosmetic after all and serves only to feed our insatiable desire to collect certain things. The more we want something the more we think something is foul when we don’t get it while in reality, its just RNG.

I disagree from years of experience, and there is absolutely no way to prove it either way without seeing the underlying code. I very much doubt it is a flat random 0.01. For marketability it would not make sense either, especially now that the cosmetic has the highest desirability as proven by its value.

I am not sure what you are disagreeing with? that RNG is RNG?