Legion Mage Tower weapon color variants still not unlocked with Warbands

Pretty much one of the few things I was looking forward to, because I haven’t played my Legion characters in some time.

There’s a color from the Mage Tower artifact weapons for winning 10 rated battlegrounds, and I’ve done several at this point during SL, DF, etc.

Just not on my old Legion character(s).

I figured account-bound Warbands would fix this, but nope.

Funnily enough, I did gain several old PvP titles from characters that no longer exist, and on both factions, so that’s nice.

Anyways, Blizzard, would like to see if this is something that’ll ever be done, or not.


Those challenging appearances must be done on the characters that originally unlocked the base appearance in Legion. You cannot make a new toon and try to do them, and they are not account bound.

Only the ones related to Balance of Power are account-wide now.


Aww that’s lame lol, looks like I won’t be getting those colors.

Would rather play my later characters.

What about unlocking the regular colors through achievements or quest lines? For example, getting the tide stone (or what is called)? Does this will retroactively activate it for every other class as well?

Anything that isn’t mage tower.