Legion Legendary Transmogs Broken

Hey all. So yesterday my transmogs for my shaman and druid were working; both had Legion legendary transmogs selected. Today after the reset I logged in, and both had no transmog for their weapon. Weapons were showing as a plain polearm and staff. Went to the transmog person - the options are there to pick legion transmogs, but they never apply. Tried relogging/reloading/exiting fully and relaunching; no luck. Anyone else having this problem?


Yes, there is another thread for it currently:

For me, the pattern seems to be that the wrong weapon types won’t stick from the Legion tab. If you have staff to staff or mace to mace etc. it works from the normal weapon tab, but not if it’s a sword and shield to 2H mace from your current spec in the Legion Legendary tab, like on my other paladin.

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hello. i’m having the same problem on my druid. Yesterday everything was ok, and today i can’t use my ursoc fist skin over the staff.

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Same here, and I’m one unhappy camper about it. If I wanted to look at my crappy looking weapon, I wouldn’t bother to transmog to something I like! Mousing over it, it now tells me I can’t use the artifact transmog if I have my weapon enchanted. WTF Blizzard???

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Add me to the list. Same deal

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Glad I came here to see I am not the only person having this issue. I noticed that after the patch my staff’s transmog got removed. I am here trying to transmog it to what I had it, the legion artifact and it is not working. The staff will take other transmogs except for the legion artifacts.

I am in the same shoes, i can’t xmog my claws of Ursoc.


Just getting in here to support this thread as I am also encountering this issue on my druid

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Having this issue across all 11 characters. The only transmogs that work are of the same weapon type – eg: dagger to dagger, shield to shield etc… I cannot transmog into any of the legion artifact appearances that are of a different weapon type.


I can confirm this. I can’t transmog my Claws of Ursoc onto a staff, but I can mog it onto a fist weapon.

Please fix this bug soon, thank you.


My rogue can transmog to the Cursed Blades from legion but for some reason my druid cant transmog to the claws of ursoc nor the fangs of ashmane. My mage has the same bug where i cant transmog my staff to felo’melorn.


I may have a way to fix this. I actually just completed the order hall campaign on my warlock this week and it was not giving me my artifact transmog which was the reason I did the campaign in the first place. I tried logging in and out and it just wasn’t showing up anywhere. I was using a different item that was transmogged to the first appearance. But when I tried actually equipping artifact item itself, I got the pink transmog alert and got all the appearances associated with it back in my collection. I had to do the same thing with scepter of sargeras and ulthalesh and I got the pink transmog alert for them and then all the appearances were in my collection. Then I was able to actually apply the appearances to my items again and interact with them in the transmog window. Maybe some other people can try this and see if it works for them? Try re-equipping the artifacts to get their appearances?

Dunno if you tried, but people gotta be more ‘specific’.
If you mog, for example an Elemental Shammy artifact weapon on to a STAFF/Dagger… FROM the ‘Legion Artifact’ drop down menu, it might work (or not? In the past that was what I did, at least during BfA)
If you try and mog FROM the ‘weapon type’ menu, then it may be intended that some might not work at all, and these ‘bugs’ are ‘not bugs’ then :neutral_face:

Even with a recent ‘change’ in weapon mixing, you still only mog Daggers into ‘daggers’, and fists into ‘fists’, for example, at least from weapon type menus.

Saw an update that it was fixed in a patch. Still not working after the 4/6 maintenance.
Warlock unable to transmog staff into Gaze of the First Summoner

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Still not able to mog into the Skull of Man’ari while using a Staff. :frowning:


This is still not fixed for Demonology warlocks and the Skull of the Man’ari.


yup, how is this still broken? :confused:


Same here. I have a staff, I’m in demo spec, and I try to xmog to the Legion dagger/skull and it won’t let me. I don’t remember having this problem before.

I hope this small indie gaming company can find the resources to fix this.


Another week and still unable to mog staves into Skull of the Man’ari


I just tried to transmog the Skull of Man’ari again today on a staff and it still doesn’t work. I even tried a sword/off-hand and that won’t work either.

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