Legion Brewmaster skillset

Staggering magic better would be great!

We really don’t need to counter magic damage in pvp lmao.

Idk why you guys think that’s the problem with Brew in PVP, the problem is that the utility it brings to the table is subpar to other tank specs while also having stagger work incorrectly & not efficiently enough to be able to handle reliably in instanced PVP.

Just bring back dizzying haze and let expel harm be used on partners or something idk

Hell even just give some sort of scaling heal talent similar to the effuse PVP talents WW had in Legion (drawing a blank on the name rn). And just have it exponentially scale in healing/lower cast time per stagger damage you take lol

Because magic damage rips through BrM monks.


Didn’t know that!

/ sarcasm

It’s the same way in PVE, therefore it shouldn’t need specializing against in PVP. Lean towards what the spec is not what it doesn’t have.

Go fight a very average-geared Affleck and tell me how that goes

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I have. Several times, it was brutal until I used my brain and thought “What if I don’t stand in the open and take free damage, and instead I play towards my comps win condition of setting up burst windows with our instant damage.” And won in the next go.

It’s like saying a warrior is bad versus a hunter because he can’t connect half the game due to slows + disengage, when in reality they can just wait for their go button in every stormbolt. Everything has a counter, you just have to acknowledge it and play around it

Hell, here’s brew vs necro feral, at about 2450 mmr in 2s;

Just playing devil’s advocate here. But I believe she’s referring to you alone versus an average affliction lock. Magic damage in general does too much to us.

They should just increase our stagger amount for magic damage by a little bit. That way we can be tankier but not as much as say DKs.

But first they need to FIX STAGGER to work properly in pvp. Just rollback the increased damage to brewmasters in pvp. That would help us a LOT.


I’m well aware of what he’s saying. But this seems to be a reoccurring theme that spins the narrative that “1 thing is the problem” and we should focus on that one thing even when it has no relevance to the core problems.

Things are ALLOWED to have counters. Suck it up.

*she, thanks

But these are co-morbid problems, not completely unrelated.

We stagger magic at 30%, but stagger is already broken in pvp, ergo, magic damage intake is also broken.

The solution? The thread has already covered the angles. We either need to end the flat damage intake, or give us a button to press so we stay alive if that damage penalty stays.

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didnt ask.

Don’t be like that, bud. I have defended you on multiple occasions.


If I want someone to do something for me, I ask for it. I especially hate people who say what you just said, it has 0 impact on your opinion.

Now back to my point; Magic damage has 0 place needing a counter from WW in PVP because PVE is the same way.

You do not dynamically change a spec for half the game that the few participate in just because one thing counters it, considering every single thing in this trash game has a counter. You suck it up and find ways around it. Don’t like warlocks vs brew? Go play WW and win in 2 goes. Simple.

Hey bud, stop being so aggressive, no one is attacking you and it’s a real show of bad faith when someone asks you to respect the fact that they are a woman in a Male-dominated space.

Come on, pull up.

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Tanks should take equal magic + physical damage. balance = freedom of choice.

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This is a bad take. Tank balance in pvp is awful. RBG groups only take Bears and sometimes DH. Asking to fix our (and other tanks for that matter) glaring weaknesses so we can also take part in RBGs isn’t a bad thing.

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Hey man, no need to be toxic and hateful to others in our community. We’re all here wanting the same thing: equal representation and opportunity for brewmaster lovers to have their chance to shine in pvp.

You’ve consistently come in with hostility and condescending arguments. Try to be more friendly and constructive.

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I see your Legion and raise you a WoD. 100% purify and Guard for 2x your max health. Only thing I didn’t like was running around collecting orbs…

But with the way Blizzard likes to gut each class and rework it every expansion, maybe something better will come along eventually. Kind of like the monkeys locked in a room with typewriters.

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Really just ending the flat damage intake percentage would help us in SPADES!

+1 for bringing back dizzying haze.
+1 for another charge of celestial brew baseline.
+1 for stagger affecting magic damage 60% instead of 40%.
+1 for having them actually make stagger work properly in pvp.
+1 for having half of our other honor talents work properly.


I think stagger only works for magic at 35% baseline. And the high tolerance talent may not effect it in pvp? I haven’t noticed it helping much. But that could be due to again stagger not working in pvp.