Legion Brewmaster skillset

The 4 piece is really nice on the PTR. But I feel like it’s going to get nerfed somehow at some point. It helps with damage but pigeonholes you into keg leggo. the healing and HP increase are GREATLY appreciated.

Also please FIX stagger in pvp. It is for sure NOT working properly with pvp percentages.

Issue with stagger in pvp is doing magical dam at 40%. if it was even 60% it would feel better. and a lot of 1k hits dont help this mechanic.

A lot of our stuff just doesnt even work anyways because blizz is incompetant

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Did they ever fix hot trub / eerie?
The isb to shuffle change is such a hamper in wpvp, I just get annoyed. I used to be able to 3v1 for bfa pvp weeklies. I wish I felt excited about tank pvp.

WW isn’t a good spec in PVP right now.

But people grind it out and RNG oneshot 1/4 the time therefore they think it’s good because “oh I got a 10% chance kill!!!”

Brewmaster doesn’t need to be strengthened. It needs things around it to be changed and altered. As do most tank specs, let alone most off meta specs.

As for its kit, Brewmaster has one of THE BEST kits in the game. It’s just that it is super situational in PVP and requires the stars to align.

We have a good kit on paper, but many of the core functions are broken in pvp.

It was an insult to receive rodeo of all things as a pvp talent and nothing more when stagger is so broken.

Meh, rodeo is just useless. Having clash is fine as is, but there are just other talents are substantially better to the point where even if Rodeo was good, it’s not good enough to take over those.

That’s what I mean. We have so many problems that need to be fixed and adjusted, and they give us a talent that no one asked for or uses. As it is, it is technically “possible” to grind it out as brew, but it’s not viable, much less fun.

Balance passes have to make weekly. Without frequent small changes we will never have balance.

I mean, viability is viable if you can play it and win lol.

Meta is different.

The only thing I could POSSIBLY see rodeo used for is if youre in a flag room and you clash someone and they zoom zoom path down the stairs and then port back up, then you reclash… other than that, it seems pretty useless. Would have been better if it “extends the range of clash by 10 yards”.

Also the timer on those extra clashes is super short, just to make sure the ability is completely useless.

It would make sense if those extra charges were permanent, but no…

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I wish we could just purify whenever or ironskin brew again really helped in PvP


(Also any time pures and isb would pop off special delivery, we lost that synergy with shuffle)

Yep so if ur using the freedom pvp talent with purifying brew u cannot purify to remove a root unless you take damage

Petition to rename brewmaster to Brewtaster, as someone who occasionally sips.


Talk about a real kick in the d***. such crappy design lol

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I’d love it for them to make microbrew baseline as our defensives are already very lackluster. That talents almost mandatory to function at mediocre level let alone normal.

It would also BEHOOVE the devs to up the proc rate of Gift of the Ox. The chance is so LOW that I barely notice it all. We need more sustain because as it is healing elixir is our go-to talent.

Problem is, our sustain is pretty fine in pve, because damage can be drawn out smoothly. Raid bosses never get any harder beyond mythic, and m+ burst depends on how much you choose to pull. Pvp is the aspect of the game where burst scales. I don’t know how they’d give us more survivability in pvp beyond removing the damage intake penalty.

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Honestly they could just remove or severely lessen the punishment for brewmaster in pvp. Since we don’t have but ONE real defensive on a baseline six minute cooldown, it shouldn’t hurt the balance too much. nothing about our kit mitigates the damage only delays it. so in essence we should be the ONE tank who doesn’t need to take extra.

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Tbh we really just need old school diffuse magic back or mystic vitality for magic damage